What are you doing?

Micio got he horny again. I'm going to bed to masturbate with Micio on my mind.
Drinkin coffee. Trying to decide upon an outfit. The Mr.'s takin me to lunch in a bit but I don't know what to wear.
Fridge shopping. The hot weather finally killed the one in the kitchen. Tropical rating up to 120F room temp and twin inverter cooling system, now we are talking. Now to see who wants to deal. Negotiating blouse on.
Currently sitting on the Mr.'s loveseat listening to his fan on high cus the 18 year olds room stinks of weed and the smell has invaded his office. He doesn't smoke in the house but it follows him like a trail and clings to his clothes. Interconnected basement rooms don't help anything. Not a fan of the smell but the Mr. gets downright pissed about it, what can ya do.

Skypemeeting at work. Boring.... Got a cold..... Gonna take a short nap after the meeting. Using Lit to stay awake until the meeting is over....