What are you doing?

Online shopping. Bought some tea from Fortnum & Mason and my “parcel is on its way”…ahh those posh Brits make everything sound so lovely. Thinking about taking some online Cricut tutorials since it took me almost 4 hours to make an easy, beginner card. A few more time wasting things since I have energy for what I want to do and less for what I have to do.
Listening to some terrible music. Also watching Japanese Ikea kitchen organization videos. Might as well be commercials because they all use the same things and yes I want to buy it all! I restrained myself and only placed a small order. Youtube is the new late night informercial.
I seldom dream but for some reason every time I doze off tonight I start having sex dreams but I wake up before the end, what's up with that. At this rate i'm going to be one tired puppy tomorrow, geez
Watching nail video’s. Thinking about trying an overlay on natural nails. So much handwashing in the winter.