What are you doing???

bobsgirl said:
9:36 p.m.

Wondering what color WW's toes are. :)

Kissing Tease's owie. :kiss:

Wondering if eudaemonia ever e-mailed the guy from craigslist.

Thanks bg :rose:

I couldn't dig it out :( I just slathered it with neosporin and put a Hello Kitty bandaid on it. That should help, right?

Thanks for the reminder ~ I need a pedicure!

Enjoying the view *whistle*

Woohoo, happy to see many of my favoritest people here :kiss: :rose:
12:35 am

Dealing with the fact that even decaf, in large enough quantities, can keep me awake. The next time I order my ninth refill, I hope someone will cover my cup.
Sitting with a cup of tea wondering how it got to be Thursday afternoon when just a minute ago it was Monday.
midwestyankee said:
12:35 am

Dealing with the fact that even decaf, in large enough quantities, can keep me awake. The next time I order my ninth refill, I hope someone will cover my cup.

Nine cups of coffee? No wonder you can't sleep. You're probably making trips to the bathroom every five minutes. ;)
bobsgirl said:
9:36 p.m.

Wondering what color WW's toes are. :)

snickering...well bg I usually get them done in OPI's Chocolate Moose ;)

7:09 am

A little sad that I was so tired last night I fell asleep early when some of my fav people were having trouble sleeping.
wicked woman said:
7:09 am

A little sad that I was so tired last night I fell asleep early when some of my fav people were having trouble sleeping.
Thinking that if it were not for the extra coffee, WW, we could have been sleeping together (well, figuratively at least :D ).
midwestyankee said:
Thinking that if it were not for the extra coffee, WW, we could have been sleeping together (well, figuratively at least :D ).

oh be still my heart *giggles*
wicked woman said:
oh be still my heart *giggles*
Indeed, WW. Once you get to a certain slice of the "north of 30" territory, a good night's sleep is truly a blessing. ;)
midwestyankee said:
Indeed, WW. Once you get to a certain slice of the "north of 30" territory, a good night's sleep is truly a blessing. ;)

damn! he really meant 'sleep'. :(
7:24 p.m. Just read a lovely IM from a friend. Pouring the last glass from a bottle of wine. Unwinding after a very productive week of work.
10:18 pm here. sitting in bed in t-shirt and panties, surfin' Lit, watching tv and waiting for sex ...

(gotta get those kids in bed first!)
5:08 PM, Just spent 4 hrs fighting with windoze beause it did something it should not be able to do. I KICKED IT'S ARSE. ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR.
8:28 a.m.

Revising a story.

Listening to my husband and my brother-in-law play "Home Improvement" up in the attic.
bobsgirl said:
8:28 a.m.

Revising a story.

Listening to my husband and my brother-in-law play "Home Improvement" up in the attic.
Urrgh urrgh urrgh
I'm working on the last chapter of our story. I need to get this done already, I've put it off too long. I'm 200+ pages into a new story and need to finish the old one first.
Bobmi357 said:
I'm working on the last chapter of our story. I need to get this done already, I've put it off too long. I'm 200+ pages into a new story and need to finish the old one first.

So Bobmi, will we get to read it?