What Are Your Story Pet Peeves?

you're definitely an oddity. OTOH, it's also possible that you don't know how to find the relevant page: what you want is your submissions page, which you can find here.

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silverwhisper said:
you're definitely an oddity. OTOH, it's also possible that you don't know how to find the relevant page: what you want is your submissions page, which you can find here.

It's not that I don't know where to find the info; I just haven't cared enough to bother learning about the scoring system. I presume that it's based on the 1 to 5 radio button scores that readers give each story (if they choose to do so) and that a score near 5 is preferred. What I haven't bothered to look at is what levels of scores other people get and what the consequences/rewards are, if any.
it's distinct from the radio buttons that accompany the comments, i've learned. a 4.5+ score results in appearing in the top lists, by dint of which you'll get more eyeballs.

silverwhisper said:
it's distinct from the radio buttons that accompany the comments, i've learned. a 4.5+ score results in appearing in the top lists, by dint of which you'll get more eyeballs.

I see. So my complacency about the scores is related to my comfort in having a mere pair of eyeballs?
silverwhisper said:
well, either that or security in knowing you've done good stuff. :>

I'm content that each story is as good as I can make it at the time of submission and that my pre-submission readers have reported getting markedly wet during their readings. Anything beyond that is whipped cream on an already great pie.

I detest...

simple editing mistakes like plane for plain and hi for high

poor character development

no build up ...e.i. going straight to the sex!

simple spell check errors.

confusing verbage and bad diaologe

and...Oh fuck! That describes every story I've ever written!! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! God damn it! What am I going to do now?

>hangs his head in shame and thanks everyone for not using him as an example in this thread and starts to smash his head against the wall.
midwestyankee said:
I'm content that each story is as good as I can make it at the time of submission and that my pre-submission readers have reported getting markedly wet during their readings. Anything beyond that is whipped cream on an already great pie.
I'll be in good company then.

This story will go in EC, I think; with so much competition and readers who don't vote, I'll be relying on the opinions of those I respect and reader comments. If those are largely positive, I'll feel successful. If they're not, I'll try to improve it and make any future submissions better. :)
silverwhisper said:
on lit, the next stage is obsessing about your score.
Been there, done that. Much to my chagrin. :eek:

Don't be afraid to get feedback from friends before you publish. I wish I'd been active in this community when I started writing, because I could have gotten that kind of feedback.

I think character development is 90% of good writing, even in erotica. Write a believable character that your reader can empathize with and they're hooked. Concentrate on that, and you can be confident of writing a good story. :)
SweetErika said:
I'll be in good company then.

This story will go in EC, I think; with so much competition and readers who don't vote, I'll be relying on the opinions of those I respect and reader comments. If those are largely positive, I'll feel successful. If they're not, I'll try to improve it and make any future submissions better. :)
I've also noticed that my chapters I put in EC seem to get a lot less votes, but more views, when compared to those chapters put in other categories. But, I seem to get more feedback on those stories as well. Intersting. :cool: