What do you call the relationship

Even in public, my Sir calls me "precious pet".. i'm sure it's raised a few eyebrows, but i don't care. It makes me feel special.

In public, i don't think i've ever referred to Him as anything.. hmmm... If His family is around, i refer to Him by His given name. (which really feels weird coming out of my mouth!!) With friends, i either refer to Him as "Sir" or the nickname that i am allowed to call Him.

i don't know that we've ever let it be known what kind of relationship we have to outsiders, as far as i'm concerned, it's none of their business. :)
Call it?

I think you should call it George - and you can love it and hug it and..........

On a more serious note - We have tended to call it whatever between ourselves - and it isn't anyone elses business.
Well, as we are not in a 24/7 relationship yet, we simply refer to one another as, "my girlfriend" *insert given name* or I will often introduce him as "my guy."


These introductions seem to work and feel comfortable for us.