What do you consider your "trademark"?

My trademark isn't something in my writing. It is my manly physique.

OK, stop your laughing!
DVS is a man? I had no idea. Just kidding.

My trademark in writing is my voice. Not my physical voice, the voice in my stories.
Aptly put Km.........

You certainly have a certain tone of voice that comes through in your writing, which is extremely well done.

BTW.....just thought of another "trademark" for myself I guess. Though I haven't used it in my stories.

My signature sign-off tag here......which is another story all together.

I remain,
Trademarks on the boards are much more common. I mean just from me, there are my signing every post with The Earl and the fact that every one of my avatars so far has had a link to Red Dwarf.

The Earl
In real life, I enjoy people with an outspoken character. That tends to reflect in my stories as well, particularly in the female characters. I like things happening in my stories to be a choice, but doubt if that'd qualify as a trademark.

Great thread, SandMan

Trademarks in my stories (not in erotica since I haven't written very many) are actually "tics" that I'd like to become more aware of so I can use or not use them, depending on if they fit.

Examples: epiphanic endings. I love James Joyce but I'd like to move on and evolve to a variety of possible endings. Realization is kind of nice but sometimes external resolution is great, too.

Indecisive characters--they reflect ME. I'm working on a story with an impulsive character who doesn't analyze things to death. Nice change!

One conscious trademark is to use a prime number when I'm grasping for an elusive number (dress size, age, date, number of children, etc.)
I just worked out ...

... that all my stories have "in" jokes in them. Sometimes they are to do with my life, so that only the closest friends will undertand, and sometimes technical "in" jokes.

An example was when I wrote some erotic SF there was a Physicist in it, and the woman who was attracted to him thought "there was a strangeness which pulled her to him, as well as his charm; that was the top and bottom of it."
Re: I just worked out ...

Un-registered said:
... that all my stories have "in" jokes in them. Sometimes they are to do with my life, so that only the closest friends will undertand, and sometimes technical "in" jokes.

An example was when I wrote some erotic SF there was a Physicist in it, and the woman who was attracted to him thought "there was a strangeness which pulled her to him, as well as his charm; that was the top and bottom of it."

Well, we all have our quarks.

I am a big time sports fan, baseball football and basketball NCAA and pro, and golf and I play park and rec also so for me it is easy sports, mostly team sports, at least one if not more of my characters will be at least a recreational athlete sometimes a collegiate athlete. I have yet to base a character on a pro athlete.
I try to offend 'someone' with every one of my stories -- be it the jews, the rednecks, the yanks, women, men, etc. You get the idea.
Couture said:
I try to offend 'someone' with every one of my stories -- be it the jews, the rednecks, the yanks, women, men, etc. You get the idea.

Do you do that to endear yourselves to your readers?
Erotic or non-erotic, my work is often about sexual control. You can often tell my erotic work by the smooth, emotionally distant but sexually adept guy in a three-piece suit. In my non-erotic work, the girls usually carry knives.

"Do you do that to endear yourselves to your readers?"

Ah, mais non, but I bet that attitude gets those stories read and talked about. I'd take publicity over endearment any day.

I try to find a different trademark per series, that all interlink somehow. My trademark in my series I'm currently posting is something that only a dear, dear friend of mine has picked out...

I try to have some form of temporary abandonment in my story, which works well with the whole mindscape of the BDSM lifestyle I try to portray. I chose this trademark because it represents a longing deep inside me, which happens to be deep inside my main character as well. My next series... who knows what my trademark will be... but it will define the author behind the story.

Offending the yanks would endear Couture to me :D.

And now watch as the Earl's voting goes down.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
Offending the yanks would endear Couture to me
Is it possible to offend a nation as insensitive as the Yanks?

Seriously though, Couture has the secret of universal success there:

A) If he offends someone he has succeeded in his aim, though his stories may not do well.

B) If he offends nobody, he will have a successful story, since nobody will "One" it out of spite or anger.
I suppose you could say my trademark is the use of an unreliable narrator. I usually write in first person and the character who's doing the talking is generally clueless in some way about what's really going on.

It's probably a commentary on my own life. ;)

Un-registered said:
Is it possible to offend a nation as insensitive as the Yanks?


You think Americans are INSENSITIVE?

I think they're far, far too sensitive. You can't bump into someone at the grocery store in America without being sued.


There is a certain trait that all my stories have in common, so I suppose it's my trademark: Unreadability

I refuse to be offended by ferriners.
daisie said:
WHOA!...bump into someone at the grocery store...
Hey, that's how I meet my sex partners! The produce section, on Sunday afternoons. :cool:
I have two trademarks, "funny" -- this a charcteristic of my humor and satire stories, which, If I may say so, are characteristic of my humorous and satirical nature, which, if I may say so, is a sign, or trademark if you will, of the quote unquote "Humor" stories that I have written.
The other trademark is lack of edits.
SubJoe's AV

Dear SubJoe,

That certainly is a tasteful and well done avathingie. That's a bouquet in your hand with flower petals blowing off, right?

Diane the Appreciative of Art When She Sees It
Re: SubJoe's AV

MathGirl said:
Dear SubJoe,

That certainly is a tasteful and well done avathingie. Did you take that from a famous work of art? It looks familiar.

Diane the Appreciative of Art When She Sees It

I can let you have a copy of some of the rough sketches.