What do you consider your "trademark"?

Re: Re: SubJoe's AV

Sub Joe said:
I can let you have a copy of some of the rough sketches.

Well, of course there must have been preliminary drawings. You couldn't come up with something as refined as that in one go.
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Before this debate becomes a debacle (take the t and add le) Can I just point out that any offense I give to Americans (No 72, holding, first down) is given to the 'nation' of America as I have yet to meet any single Americans in person or on line whom I haven't got on with, but then, I am

gauchecritic said:
Before this debate becomes a debacle (take the t and add le) Can I just point out that any offense I give to Americans (No 72, holding, first down) is given to the 'nation' of America as I have yet to meet any single Americans in person or on line whom I haven't got on with, but then, I am


As witty and charming as you are, I'm afraid that you, too, will be hearing from my lawyer.

D (who thinks saying "Just Kidding" ruins the joke)
daisie said:
Sorry, but I'm an American. You were very good, but you'll be hearing from my lawyer.

HA! Sue away! See, I'm an American, too. I also 'used' to be an Enron stockholder!
In every story I start--referring to the rather dismal number of completed works--, I insert a theme or two. Something that I intend to call attention to about the character. In "The Talisman," e.g., it was my girl's hands, and the color gold. I could go on about what those represent, fates, astrologies, apocalypsi, and favorite animal--but I just made all that stuff up right now. :D

Generally speaking, though, all my main characters are based upon a dilemma I find myself in at the time that I'm writing. By isolating, intensifying, and then facing that problem, I a.) get a very convincing character, and b.) figure out, vicariously, how I myself am to deal with that problem! And everyone is happy. 'Cept maybe the readers.

Quint "Proud To Be An American...When It Pays"
Terrific idea, sweet Sandman -

Hmmm. I always attempt a bit of humor - stories can be so lacking at times without that occasional spark.

I work for realism, unless the category calls for fantasy, of course. (So, my female characters will never be 42DD and the men will never have 16 inch shlongs. Although, that would work well in the sci-fi category . . .)

I do write stories for certain people. Sometimes the title has a private reference, or sometimes it is a character's name or habit. But these will always remain private - the people involved will be the only ones who ever know.

I always try to have a good, strong ending. Perhaps humorous, maybe a surprise twist, maybe a set-up for part 2 . . . :D

"Fun...Interesting little trademark!" *grinning*

Maybe one day you'll stick me as a character in one of your stories. Then I can secretly smile....sit back and enjoy myself. :D

I remain,
Well, dear SM - were it you I was writing about in a particular story, I know what the male character would spend a great deal of time doing to the female character . . . ;)

*grinning back at ya*
You know, I have a feeling a few folks will check out my next story just to see that special thing Thesandman loves to do.


(I think I'll start writing today . . . )

Helluva way to self promote a story.

Now......why didn't I think of that? :rolleyes:
Me? Self-promote??? LOL

Were that true, I'd have ads plastered all over the place reminding people not to forget to vote!

Oops, did I just say vote? :eek:
Asking people to vote? Disgusting blagging there. I think that's appalling self-promotion and something no writer should resort to.

The Earl

From most of TheEarl's stories in some form or other

Thanks for reading this. Remember to vote before you leave and do send feedback. If music is the food of love, then feedback is the food of the ego and we writers have larger egos than most (well, apart from Robbie Williams). The Earl
TheEarl said:
Asking people to vote? Disgusting blagging there. I think that's appalling self-promotion and something no writer should resort to.

The Earl


MOST appalling, isn't it? SO glad we don't resort to such attempts!!

I've found that my "trademark" is the descriptions of my main female characters. Always have dark red hair, either curly or wavy, green eyes, and full lips. I find that its a younger me...as they say back in the day. It works for me and my private readers seem to enjoy it.

Thanks for a great thread Sandman.

Trina T.:kiss:

You're welcome Trina, and thanks to everyone for the contributions, delightful insights and hopefully "ongoing" discussions and fun that everyone's been having on this thread.

I have truly been enjoying this. It's interesting to me to see the diversified talent, input and thoughts behind the writer when they approach writing a story. The "trademark" for each of us defines us individually. Our uniqueness, as related in our writing bares this mark. It will be fun looking for those.

Again everyone, thank you. And I hope a lot more authors will soon join and contribute to this thread.

As always I remain,