What do you NEED right now? pt 2

A cuppa...off I go!:)

Haha when I saw that you were the last post I said to myself he’ll need a cuppa at this time of day.

Anyway what do I need right now? For at least 1 of the 2 loaves of sourdough that have been proving overnight to come out of their proving baskets and not stick and look like something a 5 year old made at kindergarten
Haha when I saw that you were the last post I said to myself he’ll need a cuppa at this time of day.

Anyway what do I need right now? For at least 1 of the 2 loaves of sourdough that have been proving overnight to come out of their proving baskets and not stick and look like something a 5 year old made at kindergarten

It was delicious!:D

I need breakfast now!