What do you want right now?

from the words of Pink Floyd: ooooooohhhhh i need a dirty women <smile>
for the weekend to have never ended.... It was too great. saw old friends I hadn't seen in a long time, spent time with the close ones and made new ones, laughed and laughed some more.....
Someone to kick me in the butt and helps me get my shit together.

i would like the heat to be turned off, i am not built for 90+ degrees and i simply can't legally remove anymore clothing......and no i am not putting the A/C in and watch my electric bill double
All I want at this moment is for the seagulls to stop going crazy on my roof and let me sleep :[
I would like a discrete friend to flirt with male or female someone who is interesting and doesn't come out with the same old same old. Someone who has the intelligence to hold a conversation and enough general knowledge to be interesting.

Blue eyes essential :rolleyes:
I want...

Someone who cares for me as much as I care for them and has a sexual appetite that matches or exceeds my own.
kindness is needed

I'd love it if I never had to read petty squabbling or bickering in the How To forum again. It gets really old watching the same people trying to stroke their own egos, keep themselves from being bored or show off their own assumed brilliance by shoving their opinions up new people's asses or arguing for the sake of arguing. It's supposed to be a HELP forum, isn't it ?

(See signature quote.)
for my boss to get me a new computer (A mac book please!!! ) cause the one I am currently working on is so old that the high speed internet is making it crash.
Sleep, lots and lots of sleep. To not want to take a sledge hammer to my keyboard.

Chocolate. There's never a wrong time for chocolate.