What do you want right now?

I'd love it if I never had to read petty squabbling or bickering in the How To forum again. It gets really old watching the same people trying to stroke their own egos, keep themselves from being bored or show off their own assumed brilliance by shoving their opinions up new people's asses or arguing for the sake of arguing. It's supposed to be a HELP forum, isn't it ?

(See signature quote.)


And what would I like? A clean house and someone else to cook dinner. Or bring me dinner, even better.
to be wrapped up in his strong arms and shoulders... and forget about everything; no complications, nothing to keep us apart....
I want to be rocking in a hammock with Red while we fall asleep to the sound of the waves rolling in.
I want a glimps of the future. Honestly, I'm a very patiend person, but I'm tired of the "wait and see" crap.


hehehehe...I crack me up.
For a college football team that can win a game... or at least play like they have a pair, either one works for me :)
peace and to be able to move more than 15 lbs, a bit less pain would be nice too
This thread may be a repeat, but I'm too tired to look, so here we go.

Just what the title says,

What do you want right now?

I want someone with strong talented fingers to massage my scalp and wash my hair.
something to distract me from chores
I could really go for some chipotle. But sadly it does not exist in Ireland -tears-
I want my Ricanbandit to make slow passionate love to me........:heart:

and then.........

fuck me like an animal!
to have a guy love me just once..even if it is for a little while just so I can feel what it is like to be in love for real maybe one day it will happen