What have you posted recently?

Wow 78k is practically a novel! I would break it up into smaller chapters and go from there. Hopfully you stick with it, what are you writing about?

it's shorter than one of my others... it's about love, spanning three years. I could split it, but it feels wrong to as there will be nothing happening for most of it!
Can the 78,000 words be broken into smaller chunks as chapters? Or, if it is in chapters, it can be posted as a complete novel in one go.
I am having a bit of a wobble... I have two stories ready, but really don't know whether to post either. One is long (78k words) the other a continuation of an existing thread.

It feels as if the last few I have posted have just sunk and I am not sure I have the heart for this... Maybe tomorrow (maybe someday)
I really enjoyed reading this, and I love the use of the word “vignette” which I am now going to unilaterally apply to everything I’ve written, given they’re similar lengths to your stories.

Definitely keep that style up, totally drew me into the world.

Usually I write longer-form, sprawling stuff across multiple chapters, but that one was fun to write. And the warm reception it's getting has me thinking I'll continue to do more of those vignettes, including with other characters/pairings from that world.
Can the 78,000 words be broken into smaller chunks as chapters? Or, if it is in chapters, it can be posted as a complete novel in one go.

It is in chapters in the story, but it only makes sense as one (if that makes sense). Most of the first half is sex free. Then it builds, so splitting it would mean the last chapter is a bonk-fest after not much for the preceding ones.
I'll be posting a link to my new story tomorrow. It's another Sam and Kim story, and the title is A Mexican Cutie. I've yet to start a Sam and Kim series for it, and I'm not sure how many of their stories I've put here.
Chapter 1 of my new story just got published and chapter 2 should go up tmro.


Like most of my writing, it involves a guy with an absurdly large penis. I tried to put focus on natural dialogue while keeping things moving quickly, but this is not my strong suit. I also tried to create some genuine romance between the characters, but again, not something Im good at.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Chapter 2 moves from erotic couplings into fetish category as it gets into growth/expansion fetishism. I still plan on challenging myself and exploring the romance side of things though.
Of everything I have posted, I think my favorite is my story "My Name is Chantal." After thinking about it for almost two years, I had an idea for a short follow-up story, this time written from the male perspective, and it was just published this morning. I hope everybody likes it. Comments are always nice!
It was a dud.

I have ideas for a third and final part to this series that would tie up all the loose ends but no one is reading Part 2. I think the opening sentence is turning people off ("A condom lay cooling on the floor next to the bed where I had dropped it"). After a month and fewer than 1,000 views I think I'm too old to throw good writing after bad. I could re-submit the same story as an edit without that opening sentence but it's too late - sometimes the answer is right in front of us. A dud is a dud.
It was a dud.

I have ideas for a third and final part to this series that would tie up all the loose ends but no one is reading Part 2. I think the opening sentence is turning people off ("A condom lay cooling on the floor next to the bed where I had dropped it"). After a month and fewer than 1,000 views I think I'm too old to throw good writing after bad. I could re-submit the same story as an edit without that opening sentence but it's too late - sometimes the answer is right in front of us. A dud is a dud.

Most of my recent ones have met a similar fate, low marks, low views, general disinterest.

It is disheartening, I have several other chapters in a couple of series and I wonder if I should just forget them.

Then again, I reread some of mine and i think they're ok, so who knows!

Keep at it. maybe it's the time of year