Heroism - the Oggbashan Memorial Event 2024 Support Thread

I too missed the deadline on this, but I finalized my submission this afternoon. Better late than never, right? :)
Submit it for the event anyhow and ask Laurel to add it. It's not a competition and she's done that before for events and late entries :)
One day after going live, the 'read counts' are all over the place, but really do seem to depend on the category - stories in Loving Wives, Anal, and Non-Con are doing fine. Stories in other categories are rather slow. Forum members are familiar with Ogg, perhaps non-forum readers are less so.
Well, I wasn't writing a Non-Erotic story for the view count! ;-)

I imagine the same is true of the other four writers who submitted a Non-Erotic story.
Forum members are familiar with Ogg, perhaps non-forum readers are less so.
And then there's me: someone who's definitely a forum regular but joined recently enough to never have known him. This was the event I was content with skipping, as grand heroism is probably the furthest thing from what my silly stories usually touch upon.

Then I read @FreyaGersemi's post that mentioned her quiet and unassuming heroes, and it seems my mind started to put the pieces together. What it come up with ended as a bizarre variation of Indecent Proposal with a touch of Pretty Woman. It didn't exactly rock the NC/R category but I didn't expect it to. It was quite an emotional stretch for me to write it in the first place; only a few months ago, I'd say I'd never write anything that even brushes against non-consent. So I'm happy with the fact that it hadn't been completely panned by those who are into this kind of thing.
Yay! Mine made it in! Finally kept my promise to name a character after The AH's @Devinter after his gargantuan story featuring shout outs to so many of us!


There are also a few other name checks in there if you want to rip through it and have a look. And yes, this is partially a sad, desperate means to up my views! 😉 I look forward to reading the entries. This event inspired some very, very interesting tales last year.

I shall read it when my schedule allows it. 💙
Well, two days after, I'm very happy with the response. 1.5k views but 14 comments and 106 votes: that's the best ever reader engagement ratio for one of my stories.

Apart from the 750word challenge, this was my first time taking part in an event. I'll definitely try to again. If Pink Orchid runs next year, I really want to submit something to that.