What is the Good in keeping Confederate Statues and such?

My point is that the south fought the war to preserve slavery and used states right as an excuse for the secession and for their "right" to own slaves.

We are not disagreeing in essence. My problem is essentially the soft pedaling of it - like what we see above in the revisionist history touted by AJ, Coach and even Que.

So we see things like defense of the iconography of the south as "dear old dad" - not Bigot Jim who beat and raped his slaves. And of course there are those that will even try to say that the black folks would have been better off remaining slaves because of the way some white southerners didn't abuse their "property".

We can dissect it fourteen ways from Sunday - the South fought to keep slavery. They fought for the right to see entire groups as inferior to them and as such able to be owned and used for their own economic gain. They fought for the right to be racist bigots. And that fight is still going on today. There's not a whole lot of sugar coating for that.

Will getting rid of statues make a dent? It's probably a fool's errand that plays into republican strategists hands, but the reality is we need to look very closely at those most vociferously defending these statues. I am betting - with some great amount of surety - that many of them are doing it for the same reasons as the south: to be allowed to be racist bigots. Even if in the most southern, most genteel and most subtle way possible. :rolleyes:

According to NPR a way left leaning Government supported entity , 62 percent of Americans are not in favor of tearing down confederate statues, monuments or memorials. Congrats you just painted 62 % of the American (and I'm sure just the white) public as racist bigots.

Lets just be clear on this, the abolitionist wanted Lincoln to repay their support from the election. Lincoln was no dummy, he knew what would follow. Blacks living in the North while technically free , were paid so little as to be economic slaves. I think the correct term was house Nigger?

Slavery was the reason, succession was the just the instrument used. Could it be any clearer?

Read this and then tell me how only evil whitey owned slaves.


Overall I'm surprised how little poo flinging there has been in the thread but that can change at any minute.
Snowflake much?

Define "vociferously defending" for me.

Hint: 62% of Americans aren't "vociferously defending" by not being in favor of them taken down. The average American isn't doing more than going to voice an opinion and get back to their jobs and families.

Also you might want to click on the last link I posted as it actually addresses that free black men owned slaves.

Catch up. :rolleyes:

Speaking of poo flinging. If you want to come in late to the party - after basing your thread on the comment I made in blurt originally - and try to berate someone it would behoove you to actually read what's been posted in said thread.
Hint: 62% of Americans aren't "vociferously defending" by not being in favor of them taken down. The average American isn't doing more than going to voice an opinion and get back to their jobs and families.

Most likely most of those 62 percent are in favor of adding context to them where they are, which isn't just a matter of leaving them as they were.
Let's suppose that all those statues get taken down.

Then what?

It doesn't change history, the civil war still happened..
Let's suppose that all those statues get taken down.

Then what?

It doesn't change history, the civil war still happened..
Should we also erect statues honoring Sodom and Gomorrah, as reminders of our history?
Surely Donald Trump is already commissioning his public statues--and sending the bill to the U.S. Treasury.
Should we also erect statues honoring Sodom and Gomorrah, as reminders of our history?

Since Sodom and Gomorrah isn't germane to the discussion why don't you answer the question for once.
Ya know, a monument is whatever you want it to be, so why overthink it? Kilroy was the GI's testament to their presence in the liberation of Europe all through Nazi Germany...

So, with Liberals intent on tearing down statues, make them simple and EVERYWHERE, with everything from spray paint, to a piece of chalk, to ... <be creative>

I can just see this popping up on pedestals of missing CSA soldiers once they've been 'removed', and a few hundred other places...

Since Sodom and Gomorrah isn't germane to the discussion why don't you answer the question for once.
I don't need a statue in a public park to remind me of this nation's brutal, divisive history. I have several TV channels for that.
I don't need a statue in a public park to remind me of this nation's brutal, divisive history. I have several TV channels for that.
When the history channels shut down, does our history go away?

If history channels don't tell of slave, servant, and worker revolts, does that mean they never happened?

Have you seen shows about the enslavement of Native Americans in California in the decades after statehood? If no shows, then did it happen?
When the history channels shut down, does our history go away?

If history channels don't tell of slave, servant, and worker revolts, does that mean they never happened?

Have you seen shows about the enslavement of Native Americans in California in the decades after statehood? If no shows, then did it happen?
Are there any statues about that?
Have all copies of Roots been destroyed yet?

Will Kunta Kinte ever work again?

I don't need a statue in a public park to remind me of this nation's brutal, divisive history. I have several TV channels for that.

I'll bet you can't wait for the rebroadcast of the sanitized version of Ken Burns' masterpiece. I hear they may edit it down to a half hour.

Remember most of these statues were erected by Democrats to commemorate other Democrats.
Remember most of these statues were erected by Democrats to commemorate other Democrats.

still using the term "Democrat" in it's current context. SMH

Back when in the age when they built statues to honor traitors, the conservatives were the Democrats.
still using the term "Democrat" in it's current context. SMH

Back when in the age when they built statues to honor traitors, the conservatives were the Democrats.

No, the slave owners and oppressors were Democrats, just like today.
No, the slave owners and oppressors were Democrats, just like today.

It's important to know the connection FDR had with the slaveowners and KKK/Jim Crow organizers in his Democrat party, especially Josephus Daniels, who used his 'Red Rooster' newspaper (later renamed the Raleigh News and Observer) to foment the Race Riot of 1898, and orchestrated the first and only coup of a sitting American government, by shooting and lynching the black Republicans of North Carolina's reconstruction government. Democrats held the power they took by gunpoint and lynching for 125 years. Important also to know that Josephus Daniels was FDR's mentor, and served as his Secretary of the Navy, largely responsible for Pearl Harbor.
Yeah, I can see that it's important to you that folks trot off and check into all that--to avoid looking at today and the odious man in the White House right now. :rolleyes:

Go fish.