What is the Good in keeping Confederate Statues and such?

All those statues meant to teach us history have failed miserably. Knock them down!

Statues aren't meant to teach anyone history, they're to honor the individuals important in our history. You should hold your comments to those of your own country, and stay out of ours. And tell Cornwallis we said hello.
Statues aren't meant to teach anyone history, they're to honor the individuals important in our history. You should hold your comments to those of your own country, and stay out of ours. And tell Cornwallis we said hello.

You get so dramatic coach binky.
Statues aren't meant to teach anyone history, they're to honor the individuals important in our history. You should hold your comments to those of your own country, and stay out of ours. And tell Cornwallis we said hello.
Your country? The one with the worthless currency and the colorless army uniforms?
Your country? The one with the worthless currency and the colorless army uniforms?
The 'country' that was never a country -- no other country ever recognized it. The 'country' run by traitors, deserters, oath-breakers, warlords, feudal lords, slavemasters. That 'country', whose states are now mostly federal welfare states subsidized by productive states.

The War of Southern Treason didn't have to happen. They could have done it legally. Southern Congresscritters could have introduced and passed bills allowing secession. Instead they raised arms in unlawful rebellion against the United States of America.

We don't give treason a place of honor.
I asked you what you know of Josephus Daniels, and you couldn't answer. I asked about LBJ's profane and racist comments. You failed to address the attacks on Martin Luther King by both Bobby and JFK. You failed to read the associated article. In general, you fail. But the biggest failure is the continued adherence to the 'party switch' hoax, which was so long ago debunked.

Debunked by who? Infowars?

Let's put it in these terms:

right wing nationalists have ALWAYS been in opposition for equal rights.

Left wing egalitarians have ALWAYS been for equal rights.

Let me ask YOU, as a right winger, do YOU support equal rights?
The 'country' that was never a country -- no other country ever recognized it. The 'country' run by traitors, deserters, oath-breakers, warlords, feudal lords, slavemasters. That 'country', whose states are now mostly federal welfare states subsidized by productive states.

The War of Southern Treason didn't have to happen. They could have done it legally. Southern Congresscritters could have introduced and passed bills allowing secession. Instead they raised arms in unlawful rebellion against the United States of America.

We don't give treason a place of honor.

Racists do. They are lacking in moral character, so that's the reason why.