What is the Good in keeping Confederate Statues and such?

The place for statues of traitorous rebels is in military cemeteries where the product of their treason is visible. Keep in mind: there were no Confederate States of America; no other nation recognized them. Slaver warlord Robert E Lee was a colonel when he deserted the US Army. All rebellious former federal officers were oath-breaking traitors and deserters. The 'plantations' they owned and protected were slave-labor camps. Let's be clear.

Someday in the future, there will be a statue of President Donald Trump.

Unlike other presidents, it will be made of gold.
“Those who don’t fight evil fight statues.”
Thus logically those who promote evil promote statues of racist, treasonous assholes, the deserters, warlords, and slavers.

Someday in the future, there will be a statue of President Donald Trump.

Unlike other presidents, it will be made of gold.
And it will have been reduced to its component quarks and gluons when Kim nukes DC. I hate when that happens. Of course if the gold statue is at Lago-e-Mar, who'll notice its meltdown and plasmafication?

A thread over at Author's Hangout explores whether InterRacial (IR) stories are necessarily racist. I argue that authors can inject whatever racial issues they wish to advance their storyline. Maybe we need tales of rebel statues coming to life and being sexually assaulted. Grab their little peckers, break-em off, toss-em in the pond. Or the Frederick Douglass statue's long black cock slides into the anus of the Jeff Davis statue. Hilarity ensues.
The place for statues of traitorous rebels is in military cemeteries where the product of their treason is visible. Keep in mind: there were no Confederate States of America; no other nation recognized them. Slaver warlord Robert E Lee was a colonel when he deserted the US Army. All rebellious former federal officers were oath-breaking traitors and deserters. The 'plantations' they owned and protected were slave-labor camps. Let's be clear.
If Briton did not recognize CSA, then Why did they sell them arms?
If Briton did not recognize CSA, then Why did they sell them arms?

For the same reason President Reagan sold stinger missles to Iran: some factions realized that there was money to be made.

Great Britain never formally recognized the traitorous CSA, but that didn't stop Britain from buying cotton from the CSA for gold, which the CSA turned around and used to buy Enfield rifles.

I've read that the traitor rebellion wouldn't have lasted 18 months without illicit trade.
Why is it that it's almost always the uber patriots who so strongly support commemorating the traitors of the Confederacy?
Why is it that it's almost always the uber patriots who so strongly support commemorating the traitors of the Confederacy?

The snowflakes have to have some place to direct their never ending outrage.
Why is it that it's almost always the uber patriots who so strongly support commemorating the traitors of the Confederacy?

Take note: Those statues were erected by Democrats in honor of fellow Democrats.
Brief history lesson: The Gups and Dums of today are not the Gups and Dums of a century ago. Please write that down. Thank you.
Really? Knock them all down!
That's wasteful. The FSU (former USSR) approach was to create Lenin parks and Stalin parks etc, where dozens to hundreds of statues of these heroes can look at each other. Another approach: re-label and re-sculpt the statues to depict real heroes, not traitors and deserters. Or paint their lips and fingernails orange.