What is the Good in keeping Confederate Statues and such?

That's wasteful. The FSU (former USSR) approach was to create Lenin parks and Stalin parks etc, where dozens to hundreds of statues of these heroes can look at each other. Another approach: re-label and re-sculpt the statues to depict real heroes, not traitors and deserters. Or paint their lips and fingernails orange.
What, allow artists to embellish artworks?
his quote of mine was factual so i apologize for hurting you, snowflake.

What makes you think I read your quote, dipshit? And factual? I doubt it. You’ve already proven you don’t know the difference between fact and opinion.

Here’s a fact: you’re an idiot.
What makes you think I read your quote, dipshit? And factual? I doubt it. You’ve already proven you don’t know the difference between fact and opinion.

Here’s a fact: you’re an idiot.

you commenting on something you had not read and did not understand isn't surprising.

ETA... wrong freakin' topic but ya know what, I think I'm gonna leave this here anyway. Just cuz. :D

Every time a confederate statue is ripped down, someone should spray paint


on the naked pedestal!
Brief history lesson: The Gups and Dums of today are not the Gups and Dums of a century ago. Please write that down. Thank you.

You're not going to try and convince us FDR was a Republican again, are you? Because the guy sitting next to him was responsible for starting a race war, and led the only successful coup d'état against a sitting American government in history. You may want to look up Josephus Daniels, and read the Raleigh News and Observer for the Democrats role in lynching blacks and installing Democrats in power at gunpoint. Please write that down. Thank you!
You're not going to try and convince us FDR was a Republican again, are you?
Again? When I never said it once? And as for the rest: if you really believe the Gups and Dums of today are the same as 4-5 generations back, you should share whatever it is you're taking.
Again? When I never said it once? And as for the rest: if you really believe the Gups and Dums of today are the same as 4-5 generations back, you should share whatever it is you're taking.

If what you say is true, why was FDR's mentor Josephus Daniels, and why is he THIS close to FDR? Do you even know who Josephus Daniels was, and what he did? Do you not see the solid link between Dems of today to the racism of the past? Do you deny that LBJ once famously said, 'I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years'? Do you deny that JFK wiretapped Martin Luther King, and set about trying to clothesline him in every possible way, and that it was Republicans who voted for and gained passage of the Civil Rights Act?


I saw this question posed by another member in a different thread and its a good one. The short answer is you cant stamp out hate. Nothing you do can stop a person from hating except kill them. People will hate regardless if there are any statues, busts, plaques or memorials to the confederacy or the soldiers who fought for the south.

The thing is by attacking the Symbols, the ideas one group sees as their heritage you actually feed their hate. It doesn't matter what you think or feel because of the emotional investment they have, right or wrong. Tearing down Symbols will only fuel their rage and deepen their hate and desire to resist. If there was no counter protest in charlotte, nobody would have got hurt. The counter protestors (who had no permit to be there) gave the haters exactly what they wanted, a confrontation and innocent people paid the price.

The smart thing to do is to reclaim the message of the objects. Move the offending statues off government building sites like courthouses and administration buildings to a park or cemetery. Rename the schools and buildings. Statues of civil rights leaders could be placed opposing them as if in confrontation or conversation with an uplifting message of hope, peace or diversity. While doing this we must also be mindful it's part of our history and you cant erase history and we shouldn't, we should learn from it.

Many of the statues ,monuments have ample room on their base for an additional message. One such example in the case of the Robert E Lee statue could be this quote attributed to him a few years after the wars end.

"So far from engaging in a war to perpetuate slavery, I am rejoiced that Slavery is abolished. I believe it will be greatly for the interest of the South. So fully am I satisfied of this that I would have cheerfully lost all that I have lost by the war, and have suffered all that I have suffered to have this object attained." Robert E. Lee


I could prattle on but I think my point has been made. I'll add one last thing. I think its a shameful thing to attack the dead and any memorial in a cemetery should be off limits, period. Some may not know this but Confederate soldiers are by law Veterans. Public law 85-425, specifically section 410 http://uscode.house.gov/statutes/pl/85/425.pdf

I may be misreading it but I think not. Any resident legal eagles care to chirp
in, Col. Hogan, Busybody, Eyer? This was about as thoughtful a post as I care to make for the rest of the year. Now back to Sarcasm, Tomfoolery and Porn.:D
So we never forget our history for one, because they are Legally Protected War Monuments and because a handful of paid for commie SJW types don't decide things in our Nation!

If these folk are offended by America then LEAVE or stop being a Nancy and grow up.

FYI every protest and demand they make, makes me laugh and see just how dumb they are ,enjoy paying your collage loans off suckers when you have zero real world work education or skills!
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So we never forget our history for one, because they are Legally Protected War Monuments and because a handful of paid for commie SJW types don't decide things in our Nation!

If these folk are offended by America then LEAVE or stop being a Nancy and grow up.

FYI every protest and demand they make, makes me laugh and see just how dumb they are ,enjoy paying your collage loans off suckers when you have zero real world work education or skills!
The USA is for We the People, not You the Asshole.
put the statues of dead soldiers in the graveyards where they belong.
Take note: Those statues were erected by Democrats in honor of fellow Democrats.

The statues were erected by conservatives on the right wing, and now are being defended by conservatives on the right wing.

Own your shit, you dumb bigot.
So we never forget our history for one, because they are Legally Protected War Monuments and because a handful of paid for commie SJW types don't decide things in our Nation!

If these folk are offended by America then LEAVE or stop being a Nancy and grow up.

FYI every protest and demand they make, makes me laugh and see just how dumb they are ,enjoy paying your collage loans off suckers when you have zero real world work education or skills!

Fuck statues to traitors and insurgents. We tore down Saddam's statue, and he was less of a war criminal than many of those in the "confederate states" failed uprising, like Champ Fergeson and other scumbags.

Tear down monuments to racist insurgents that were put up by KKK members well after the defeat of the cowardly insurgents.
If what you say is true, why was FDR's mentor...
B-b-but FDR! B-b-but Wilson! B-b-but Bryan...

Haven't been around for quite awhile. Okay, so you don't think the parties have changed principles and constituencies in the last century. And the moon is blue er I mean green cheese -- we can't have Luna as a blue state, can we?

A modern-day Gup trying to own Lincoln is like an iguana bragging that his grand-dad was a T.Rex. And failing to note the Dixiecrat and po-white-folks defection to Gups shows a disregard of reality. Hey, hot fantasies are more fun!
B-b-but FDR! B-b-but Wilson! B-b-but Bryan...

Haven't been around for quite awhile. Okay, so you don't think the parties have changed principles and constituencies in the last century. And the moon is blue er I mean green cheese -- we can't have Luna as a blue state, can we?

A modern-day Gup trying to own Lincoln is like an iguana bragging that his grand-dad was a T.Rex. And failing to note the Dixiecrat and po-white-folks defection to Gups shows a disregard of reality. Hey, hot fantasies are more fun!

He hasn't been able to recognize and accept the procession of history. Specifically the part when the Dixiecrats abandoned the Democratic party and fled to the Republicans when JFK embraced civil rights. Apparently he believes that all of history is encapsulated in a single moment in time.
B-b-but FDR! B-b-but Wilson! B-b-but Bryan...

Haven't been around for quite awhile. Okay, so you don't think the parties have changed principles and constituencies in the last century. And the moon is blue er I mean green cheese -- we can't have Luna as a blue state, can we?

A modern-day Gup trying to own Lincoln is like an iguana bragging that his grand-dad was a T.Rex. And failing to note the Dixiecrat and po-white-folks defection to Gups shows a disregard of reality. Hey, hot fantasies are more fun!

I asked you what you know of Josephus Daniels, and you couldn't answer. I asked about LBJ's profane and racist comments. You failed to address the attacks on Martin Luther King by both Bobby and JFK. You failed to read the associated article. In general, you fail. But the biggest failure is the continued adherence to the 'party switch' hoax, which was so long ago debunked.
I asked you what you know of Josephus Daniels, and you couldn't answer. I asked about LBJ's profane and racist comments. You failed to address the attacks on Martin Luther King by both Bobby and JFK. You failed to read the associated article. In general, you fail. But the biggest failure is the continued adherence to the 'party switch' hoax, which was so long ago debunked.
All those statues meant to teach us history have failed miserably. Knock them down!
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