what kind of small sad world

What she said is that it was nice to balance 5s with a 1 vote on a good poem.

That does not seem to me to be asking for a clarification. It is your direct mis-interpretation of what she said.

I don't "give a shite" about the voting either, what I do care about is when people state opinion/interpretation as fact, interpret people's actions and words based on their own preconceptions and then post them with words attached like "What she said" followed by what "she" didn't say.

I hope the caps did not offend you, I used italics to emphasize words in this post. :)

I'm glad you like my poems. I like your poems too. :)[

Thanks! I will not interpret your exclusion of stating you like me as a person too as a statement that you do not. See? :D

(although it is very possible, perhaps probable-- I am not so good at the likability thing... :cool: )

cherries_on_snow said:
Yeah I figured you were disagreeing from the capital letters. The chance that I might have misinterpreted is why I asked her directly to clarify, Anna. My reading came from her assertion that it was nice to balance the 5s poems got for being good. That's a direct quote. or rather this is.

"Why do people vote 1 on a good poem? Because they don't think it's that good.

Besides, it's a nice balance to all the 5s poems get for just being 'good.'"

And if people don't read the original post and misinterpret, then I'm sorry, that's not my fault. I'm asking Never for clarification on something that honestly I don't even give a shite about anymore. I put weights on the feet of this thread and hoped it would sink but it appears to keep floating, bloated and fish bitten, to the surface.

I'm glad you like my poems. I like your poems too. :)
Last edited:
Posts sometimes act like a projective test. 'Least it seems so to me.

But I may just be projecting my feelings onto. . . . You get the idea.
Tzara said:
Posts sometimes act like a projective test. 'Least it seems so to me.
You mean that the people that get their stories and poems voted down and then come complaining about it being obviously done by jealous authors one-bombing them could have assumed that happened because of... No, it couldn't possibly be. :eek:
annaswirls said:
That does not seem to me to be asking for a clarification. It is your direct mis-interpretation of what she said.

in post 115 I ask "Would you give a good poem a 1, Never? or vote a 4 or 3?"

That's what I meant about asking about clarification.

She said directly that

"Why do people vote 1 on a good poem? Because they don't think it's that good.

Besides, it's a nice balance to all the 5s poems get for just being 'good.'"

which is why I thought she meant that voting 1 on a good poem is a nice balance to all the 5s poems get for just being good. umm. because she said that. OR (granted) she could have meant voting 3-4 was. But she said 1 last so I thought she meant voting 1. And it is really silly to be spending so much time to explain, probably, but I want to be clear that I wasn't jumping down anyone's throat or trying to make a mountain of an anthill.

As for the Caps and the likeability, Tzara you too must know that capital letters on the interwebz are taken to mean yelling, right? Most folks who've posted here have been on other forums, no? It isn't me reading in, I don't think. And I wasn't offended, I was just able to discern that annaswirls strongly disagreed.

Anna, sure I like ya. As much as one can like a person one doesn't know very well from an internet forum. :) You're pretty good at the likeability thing, when you want to be.

Best wishes, EVERYONE, for a great weekend. I've gotta go make lesson plans now like a grownup. :(
annaswirls said:
That does not seem to me to be asking for a clarification. It is your direct mis-interpretation of what she said.

I don't "give a shite" about the voting either, what I do care about is when people state opinion/interpretation as fact, interpret people's actions and words based on their own preconceptions and then post them with words attached like "What she said" followed by what "she" didn't say.
I hope the caps did not offend you, I used italics to emphasize words in this post. :)

Thanks! I will not interpret your exclusion of stating you like me as a person too as a statement that you do not. See? :D

(although it is very possible, perhaps probable-- I am not so good at the likability thing... :cool: )

cherries_on_snow said:
in post 115 I ask "Would you give a good poem a 1, Never? or vote a 4 or 3?"

That's what I meant about asking about clarification.

She said directly that

"Why do people vote 1 on a good poem? Because they don't think it's that good.

Besides, it's a nice balance to all the 5s poems get for just being 'good.'"

which is why I thought she meant that voting 1 on a good poem is a nice balance to all the 5s poems get for just being good. umm. because she said that. OR (granted) she could have meant voting 3-4 was. But she said 1 last so I thought she meant voting 1. And it is really silly to be spending so much time to explain, probably, but I want to be clear that I wasn't jumping down anyone's throat or trying to make a mountain of an anthill.

As for the Caps and the likeability, Tzara you too must know that capital letters on the interwebz are taken to mean yelling, right? Most folks who've posted here have been on other forums, no? It isn't me reading in, I don't think. And I wasn't offended, I was just able to discern that annaswirls strongly disagreed.

Anna, sure I like ya. As much as one can like a person one doesn't know very well from an internet forum. :) You're pretty good at the likeability thing, when you want to be.

Best wishes, EVERYONE, for a great weekend. I've gotta go make lesson plans now like a grownup. :(

(I'm sorry. But I'm laughing at all of you. It's not because I'm a bitch. I'm a bitch, but that doesn't factor into this at all. I'm laughing gleefully because I really enjoy this kind of shit. :D)
WickedEve said:

(I'm sorry. But I'm laughing at all of you. It's not because I'm a bitch. I'm a bitch, but that doesn't factor into this at all. I'm laughing gleefully because I really enjoy this kind of shit. :D)

I'm making a list:

I suspect Tzara is one too, but with the Positive Feedback™ thing, I need to rethink.
Lauren Hynde said:

I'm making a list:

I suspect Tzara is one too, but with the Positive Feedback™ thing, I need to rethink.
My list:
just Lauren

Thank you for visiting my brat list.
WickedEve said:

(I'm sorry. But I'm laughing at all of you. It's not because I'm a bitch. I'm a bitch, but that doesn't factor into this at all. I'm laughing gleefully because I really enjoy this kind of shit. :D)
Sadist. I'd say masochist, but you admit you're laughing and enjoying rather than crying/enjoying.

I personally think all this shit about voting and commenting is b-o-r-i-n-g. I'd rather have karmadog back making fun of titles and STCs that flooded the entire new poem's page.

[/whine days of old]
WickedEve said:
My list:
just Lauren

Thank you for visiting my brat list.
I thought for a moment you said bra list.

See? Projective test.
I'm a retired troll. I don't vote any more because I can't be bothered with this crap.

My pension really sucks too. I give it a one.
neonurotic said:
I personally think all this shit about voting and commenting is b-o-r-i-n-g. I'd rather have karmadog back making fun of titles and STCs that flooded the entire new poem's page.

[/whine days of old]

b-o-r-i-n-g indeed! Let's hope it passes soon like a kidney stone.
neonurotic said:
Sadist. I'd say masochist, but you admit you're laughing and enjoying rather than crying/enjoying.

I personally think all this shit about voting and commenting is b-o-r-i-n-g. I'd rather have karmadog back making fun of titles and STCs that flooded the entire new poem's page.

[/whine days of old]
Uh. Don't you remember what happened? Some people got upset with the dog when he used their titles in his thread.
WickedEve said:
Uh. Don't you remember what happened? Some people got upset with the dog when he used their titles in his thread.
Yes! That's why I am a masochist. The dog ripped my titles a few times over.
Tristesse2 said:
b-o-r-i-n-g indeed! Let's hope it passes soon like a kidney stone.
Shut up or you'll end up on some horrible list or get 1 bombed!
The end is near--and so is that damned birthday party I have to take my kids to. We just did the zoo party last week! Well, it's time to put on the mommy face and go to the party. "Oh, he's so grown up! How cute that he's got his head in the birthday cake. Of course, I want a slice!" :D
WickedEve said:
Shut up or you'll end up on some horrible list or get 1 bombed!
The end is near--and so is that damned birthday party I have to take my kids to. We just did the zoo party last week! Well, it's time to put on the mommy face and go to the party. "Oh, he's so grown up! How cute that he's got his head in the birthday cake. Of course, I want a slice!" :D

The worst kids party I went to the Birthday Boy took time out to spray the paper cups with bug repellent - Off laced juice not good!
Lauren Hynde said:

I'm making a list:

I suspect Tzara is one too, but with the Positive Feedback™ thing, I need to rethink.

Yet another list I didn't make. :confused:
Lauren Hynde said:
Don't push your luck or you'll end up there!

PS: Neo too.

So, now a troll is one who yearns for some stimulating input to the PDF? I always thought they ran around with 1s in their pockets, mine are empty. :)
Tristesse2 said:
So, now a troll is one who yearns for some stimulating input to the PDF? I always thought they ran around with 1s in their pockets, mine are empty. :)
In the New Order, a troll is one who votes as he/she sees fit, based on the perception he/she has of the quality of a piece, not its author, not its past ratings, not other people's praise or vituperation, but only his/her honest opinion, be it translated into numbers as a 5 or as a 1. It's a revolutionary concept, I know. We're all pretty avantguard around these parts.
Never said:
"If I had ever read anything you have written ( do you write? or just spend your life posting thing sof very little matter?) I might respect you, but as it is, I dont know you, dont care to. LIke I said, thanks for puking on the top list."

Maria, I think you're getting a bit personal there. I'm sorry if I've upset you there's no reason we can't work this out politely.

Honey, I dont care to work anything out with you. You sound from your original post like a hypocrit. As for any of my work getting lowballed in the last few days, the voting has been OFF on my work for weeks now. except for one, which was on the top list which you SAID you went through and culled to meet your own ideas of what is good and or not good.

Personally, I dont give a shit either, I am just SO TIRED of some people on here who think they are so wonderful then do that low ball thing without any input whatsoever,. For all I know, my poem sucked, it probably did, but a decent critic, who wants to be taken seriously enough that he/she announces they read the entire top list, well, you did yourself and the poetry coommunity here a huge disservice. IN my opinion.

I write for fun, mostly, but when you place yourself in a GOD like position, of declaring yourself the voting equalizer, well, you should do it with some feedback, imput, other than an anonymous vote. That has been my problem with the FB system all along. Dont patronize me. I know I have written sorry assed work, and I know I have written some decent ones, but who here needs an anonymous poet-GOD deciding their poems fate and then prancing all over the forum telling everyone how they read and voted on the top list but had no decency to offer any suggestion on how to make a 1, 2, 3 poem better.

and, I dont care what you think, I am waaaay past that, not one iota of MY self esteem comes from what a troll thinks about me.

and, shoudl anyone disagree with anytihng other than my harsh language, well, I remind you guys of most people on here have had the same beef for years, ( but I dont have the time nor inclination to go back and pull up one disgusting thread after another)

I just am tired of being a pussy by hiding trying to be nice and diplomatic.
Never said:
All I did was go through the list and vote on the poems I read. It's the same thing I do with almost every story and poem I read here.

Now for your comments:
" I for one doubt it was valid or honest BECAUSE I didnt get a fucking explanation of WHY it was a 1 or 2. "

Shall I assume that one or more of your poems got a low vote in the last 24 hours, is listed on the top one-hundred, and you've decided I'm the culprit?

I'll concede that my opinion lacks the validity of an objective or informed reader. I've had the pleasure of listening/reading poetry critiques from those who have 'valid' opinions and they show a far more nuanced and complex understanding of poetry and the elements of a poem than I have.

I resent the implication that my opinion is dishonest, however. Whether I comment or not has no reflection on my honesty; it's simply a reflection of my desire to comment at that moment.

"I consider a 1 or 2 a TROLL vote"

Looking over your list of poems, I see a few that I believe I've given 3 or 4s to as well. If what you're say is accurate, I'm a troll one moment when I give a poem a 2 yet in the minute it takes me to navigate to the next poem and vote, I've transformed back into a normal person. Indeed, according to that logic, I've been a troll a dozen times today and a human being at least a hundred.

Let's just average that and say I'm 10% troll. It's figure I'm comfortable with.

" Thank you however, for knocking me down a notch because my EGO is so huge, because I have done so much here and because my POEM was so fucking wondeful it deserved to be trolled. "

Given that I've never interacted with you before, it's a bit much to speculate that I voted poorly on one of your poems because of some problem I have with you. Besides, it's not at though I insulted your mother. You just had a poem that I didn't care for. Many people liked it or it wouldn't have been on one hundred list.

I'm not saying you're a bad poet or a bad person. A low vote just means I read something of yours I didn't like. If you can look at that poem and say "I'm proud to have written this," does my opinion, the opinion of one person you've never met before, matter?

all I am saying is why not have the decency to tell me what I can do to IMPROVE IT!??

thats is why I came here originally. screw the votes, you miss the point, totally. IF and when I vote low, I give a reason, even if its as hurtful as I didnt like it,. BUt youy see, it takes courage to say that and sign your name, and that is severly lacking here, I can settle for that, the I didnt like it, or it sucked., in fact it pleases me that not everyone likes my stuff. There are some folks I wouldnt WANT to enjoy my poetry. sorry I offended you, but your methods suck, and your condescending attitude sucks worse. and, You imply I somehow have begged for votes...I dont do that because in my opinion, there is a group who have so many, many comments and high votes ( on what I consider bland, boring poetry, with little insight or imagination) from the same butt sucking crowd, it makes them meaning less anyway. I mean, my work may not be impressive, ( cough) but at least most people who read it tell me when its bad, or wrong or doesnt work, in other words, they are decent about it. BUT hell, its a porn site, I am the one who is wrong, expecting civility and decency on here.
cherries_on_snow said:
Maybe I'm misunderstanding. It seems that she's saying here that a good poem should get a 1 to balance the 5s because it isn't excellent.

Would you give a good poem a 1, Never? or vote a 4 or 3? The last comment made me think that she enjoyed 'balancing' the opinions of others by negating them.

COS---I agree with your interpretation of what she said, that she balances with her votes, thus 'gaming". phooie, I have a nasty taste in my mouth, must be my mean mouth speaking its mind, but she has her defenders, and some of her defenders, well,.....I find it very curious how all these other people know exactly
what she meant and we dont...is we stupid, Cherries? I dont think so....
Maria2394 said:
but who here needs an anonymous poet-GOD deciding their poems fate and then prancing all over the forum telling everyone how they read and voted on the top list but had no decency to offer any suggestion on how to make a 1, 2, 3 poem better.
Oh, that's good stuff! anonymous poet-god!