What Made You Smile/Laugh Today?

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Waking up and realizing it was my day off. I was able to curl up and catch up on badly needed sleep.
I liked the cute, backlit child blowing the dandelion tufts that waft upward over the "Home of Keroin" sign.


You noticed the sign! Bonus points!

It actually made me "homesick" watching that video. Ahhhh, torn between the ocean and the mountains... first world problems.
Experienced "bird" posing as a small finch-like Old World bird .
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"robot blows the monsters away"

some toddlers have security blankets; mine has a security Air Conditioner

Smart kid. My kid would just hide under his blanky and scream. I reckon air conditioners have much more potential for protection than blankets do. ;)
Hiking the Taiji gorge in Taiwan.....then going to a tea house were had my pic taken with the owners and counter help....way fun.
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