What made you smile or laugh today? Part III

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Remembering what "holiday" feels like. It's been a while.

(I spent the first couple of days fretting until I got confirmation that Tuxedo Cat is eating without me. Turns out I'm a helicopter catparent.)
Flushed a deer....

On my evening bike ride thru the corn and bean fields. Shoulda seen it jump the fences!
Realising that Junior Cat has quite a sophisticated understanding of consent. When he's rough-housing, he'll stop every so often to check that his playmate is still having fun. I feel like a lot of humans could learn from him.
Realising that Junior Cat has quite a sophisticated understanding of consent. When he's rough-housing, he'll stop every so often to check that his playmate is still having fun. I feel like a lot of humans could learn from him.

Professor Junior Cat.
This guy got it...


This, but add "If you give her a spank, she will give you a mind blowing orgasm."
Every once in a while I get to go down a weird rabbit hole in my sermon research. Today I got to geek out on linguistics as I looked at similarities in inflection systems in koine Greek and modern Russian. That made me happy.
Being told by a lot of people to come hang out here and start asking questions :eek:
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