What Made You Smile Today, v6

The boy child coming home from a theater competition casually twirling the medal he got for his scene and only telling me he and his partner are going to state competition with their scene. Proud mom smiles
If she brings you Guernica, have some fun and tell her, “Eh, it’s been done”
I had to google that 😂 I would love it to be something like that! I was sent a photo of the finished, drying piece and it’s basically just lines all over the paper! I like it though - as it was made especially for me, and she considers it art ☺️
The boy child’s senior picture photo shoot. Damn I make pretty babies (neither of which look like me or their dad)
I know it's one of the simplest things you can do, but for someone with all the mechanical ability of Dopey Smurf, successfully changing my own car battery feels like an accomplishment. This morning my car wouldn't start, and now it does, and I did that. 😄😄😄
Raspberry lattes. I’d never had one, but a friend of mine loves them. I tried one today and I’m in love. 🥰