What Made You Smile Today, v6

An amazing steak dinner and a blooming onion.. Holy goodness. I forgot how good those are. I wanted to eat the whole thing. But dinner with 2 guys. Smile worthy.
My Alabama ass waving at all my DC friends.


It's nice to be somewhere new after so long.
but sure to give @AlpineFresco all of your DC recommendations
Two things really. One, a private message I received from another Lister. Two was the smile caused by the intense arousal I felt as I read it.
At my local covid testing centre, I managed a short actual conversation with the doc, as well as understanding the initial questions, all in German.

It was nothing deep or important, but good lord it felt good to manage that successfully. So good, in fact, that I walked out and left my backpack, and had to be called back to get it :D