What Made You Smile Today, v6

Don't know what made me think of it, but I once had a girlfriend that was so secret she forgot.

I was nine and got picked on a lot. I liked this gal in my class, and she agreed to be my girlfriend. But, the bullies were picking on me even more. So, she whispered in my ear that she was going to tell them we broke up so they would stop picking on me, but she was really still my girlfriend.

A week later, I see my girlfriend holding hands with one of the worst bullies and I asked her about it. She said he was her boyfriend. I reminded her that I was supposed to be her boyfriend. And, seriously, she said, "Oh. I forgot."

The more I think about it, that's pretty much my dating life with only two exceptions.
Someone asking me if my trespassing neighbor has a thing for me. He has a thing for other people's lawns. :)
Waking up after a very realistic dream involving a gorgeous woman and lots of fun. I didn't want it to end.
My work appraisal with my boss.

Turns out I'm having to keep my current job role, as badass motherfucker isn't a real job title, or even a position with this company 🤷🏻‍♂️
Hubby selling his sports car yesterday plus we're probably going to sell our home next year & live 7 months at the cottage saving a ton in property tax
Prince Edward Island….

You stole my heart today.
And I do not regret the theft….

1100 Km’s of beach.
More beauty than I’ve ever seen.

Thank you.30598AA2-FBE4-4363-BB66-B64B6C47A342.png