What Made You Smile Today, v6

A Sunday night, following a full and fulfilling week….

The ebullience is faded into warm memories, and everybody else faces the reality of another start to the work doldrums.

As I sit here with a cup of hot chocolate and a blanket covering me, all seems right in this world.

Great friends….a woman that knows me better than myself….and family that cares deeply for eachother.

Being back on the West Coast is a soothing tonic in and of itself. A tincture of nature that eases the soul, with a softness that does its work gently on the spirit.

Joy is manifest. Brought forth from experience. To live is to love.

To not…is to die. Either of your soul or your physical body. Loneliness….isolation….withdrawal.

But I digress…as tonight is too perfect for thoughts about others ineptitude and cowardice. They make their own choices. And live or die with them.

You are beautiful.
And so is my life.
