What Made You Smile Today, v6

I tried to do that once. But I was sick of them pretty quickly. They are still good. But just not too often. Quick and easy source of protein.
I’ve never done it. Meal prep is quite literally the opposite of how I live my life haha but..I am trying to get more protein and veggies in so I went for it. I made way too many(still getting used to having less people live at home) but I will freeze them and I made two varieties I’m hoping that helps with the burnout. I’ll let you know in a month 😂😂
Listening to my periodontist sing Stairway To Heaven as he put sutures in my mouth and then talk for the next five minutes about how it's the greatest song ever written. ☺️
I heard a wood thrush this morning, the first one this year! Also saw my first rose-breast grosbeak of the season. I adore spring.
Learning why my wife isn't interested in participating on these forums.

It actually made me laugh out loud. Apparently, bad grammar would be too much of a turn off! She's a dandy...