What Made You Smile Today, v6

It’s 5:30 am.

The day is beginning.
The clouds that have shed their tears throughout the night, are all but empty of them now.

The light of the sun is fighting a war with the gray….and it seems to be winning.

The chill of this morning is slowly lessening.
The mist rising off of the lake is soon to be burnt away.

Michelle sleeps soundly.
Comfortable in repose knowing that she will not wake up alone. Not having to check the computer to see if someone….anyone…has written you a message. I’m glad for her that she can feel this way.
Not always feeling alone and lonely. By her own choice.

In other words…a woman worthy of being by my side.
Sleep well my Princess.
You are not alone. And you are loved.

Breakfast is the next order of the day.
Then….outside to work.

Life is wonderful for those that live it. 🇨🇦❤️