What Made You Smile Today, v6

A double shot of Whiskey on the rocks to celebrate not strangling the shit out of someone this week!
Two notes here
One from ollllldddd friend. Now acquaintance
One from newer acquaintance

Both were very nice
Promise to bring the Northern Lights with you. :heart:

Hiya Claire Skies. ;)

If it’s for you...I’ll punch a hole in the moon.

As far as the Northern Lights go...head north in Ontario and we could watch them there.
Just bring yourself and your favourite blanket. I’ll bring the chairs and the hot chocolate.

Have a kick ass weekend.
You always make me smile.

And remember...Regina...rhymes with...?..****. ;)
Doing 80 on the interstate (that's all I'm admitting to!) - the sun shining - 82° outside so still in my sundress and ponytail -
music cranked up.

Got a sweet hug before getting back on the road headed home, so that helped, too. ;)
Seeing some girlfriends last night that I haven’t seen in awhile. Felt good to laugh and catch up.
Seeing someone excited about something they are passionate about .
Doing a crossword puzzle on my Kindle, both boys looking over my shoulder, shouting out answers. The laughter was epic!
A friend, phoning to tell me the story of how she stood up to a group of people. I was smiling like crazy, and proud of her for doing so!
Watching a customer happy-cry when they were surprised by their Mother-in-law with one of my products.