What Made You Smile Today, v6

A new, super comfy t-shirt complete with that new shirt smell. It's the little things ;)
My mom finally got power back after 4 cold days. 💜

Did she have a home Genset or a portable generator? I hope so but if not and her location allows, that's something to consider. At least being able to plug in the fridge, TV, radio or a small heater/fan makes a portable generator worth it.
What made me smile today - well, every time I go to my en-suite bathroom to clean my teeth etc, there is a pigeon whom is on the open window frame. Probably just enjoys being a voyeur but each to their own is my motto.
Anyway, l closed the window intentionally last night so l just heard like bird wings flapping today.
Hearing the joy in a child’s voice as he told his teacher a really bad knock-knock joke.