What Made You Smile Today, v6

Starting to get my sense of taste back :D

You never realize how much you take it for granted until you lose it. My smelling ability took forever to come back. That was hard. You rely on it so much.

Some good r&b music in the shower.
You never realize how much you take it for granted until you lose it. My smelling ability took forever to come back. That was hard. You rely on it so much.

Some good r&b music in the shower.

Very true! It was so weird not being able to taste anything. Everything was like water! I had a takeaway yesterday, and felt like I should have just nibbled on celery instead 😂
Very true! It was so weird not being able to taste anything. Everything was like water! I had a takeaway yesterday, and felt like I should have just nibbled on celery instead 😂

Yes! It’s so weird. Nothing has flavor. I was eating spicy food just to see if it would affect me. Didn’t hurt the tastebuds. The rest was not so thrilled. 😂
Yes! It’s so weird. Nothing has flavor. I was eating spicy food just to see if it would affect me. Didn’t hurt the tastebuds. The rest was not so thrilled. 😂

Yay!! Amazing how our bodies work. When I lost my taste I was also able to eat spicy/hot foods that I normally stay away from.
Glad your taste buds are waking up!

I started to try that, but it seemed like my sense of smell was even stronger! I felt like I was tasting just by smelling 😂

I lost my taste around ten minutes after I had the most delicious nachos. The timing could not have been better! 😂
I started to try that, but it seemed like my sense of smell was even stronger! I felt like I was tasting just by smelling 😂

I lost my taste around ten minutes after I had the most delicious nachos. The timing could not have been better! 😂

That is perfect! Great way to end, right?

Paying off all of my credit card debt!

Go you! That’s great!

Just people, man. I’m just loving all you great people today. 😊
Exchanging messages with an old online friend I haven’t talked to in a while ❤️
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A whole string of lovely words all sent in a lovely message with a lovely accent that melted my heart. have I mentioned it was lovely. :)