What makes a woman sexy?

Since no one feels the need to answer this post, I suppose I will just have to do it myself.
High maintenance. I don't want a woman who I can sit around with on the couch in my underwear, watching TV and drinking beer. A woman should demand attention and appreciation and shouldn't be afraid of pointing out when she feels she's getting less than her due of either.

Hmm. Best I can come up with for now. I'll continue some other day perhaps.
Good Call, MADDOG.......

No offence Lasher, I like and respect you. But if it were me, I'd be getting either a big head, or a tad annoyed.
Can't you find some threads from this CENTURY to comment on, Never?

Tsk Tsk Tsk Lasher I bet I can go back in the files and find where you fussed about folks starting a thread on something that has been discussed before. Is there a time limit on replying to a thread? As slow as I am I hope not. There is a lot of great stuff in the old threads that is as good now as it was when it first showed up. I will have to say that I got excited to see some of the old names till I realized that it was just ghosts from the past, still I see no reason why old threads shouldn't be explored and commented on by those who haven't seen them.
Damn I hate it when I only read half a thread now my other reply is all out of whack
Good Point, Fallen...

Tsk Tsk Tsk Lasher I bet I can go back in the files and find where you fussed about folks starting a thread on something that has been discussed before.

You're right, you would... Very early on... Seems like the first month I was on the board every other thread was about incest, and at some point I said, "Jeez, How many incest threads do we need??"...or something like that. At that time (and I can't remember who), someone pointed out to me the fact that new people are joining the board everyday and while some things are old to us, for others they are brand new. Now, on occasion, if I see a new thread, and I know there's an old thread that covers the subject very well, I'll gladly post the link back to the old thread. But other than that one time, I haven't abused anyone for bringing up a subject JUST BECAUSE it's been brought up before....

Btw, my post on that thread was a JOKE. (see... the thread was from November... and it's July now... and November was in the last century... and this is this century.... get it?? it's funny, trust me...)
You know. That is sort of funny.
Here. I'll only dig up posts from January and upward on my quest for the Holy Grail.
Lasher I have fussed about people beating the dead horse too. It was a sucker bet. I am just glad you didn't make me try and find where and when.

Seeing Xx's and Rodrigo's names made me homesick for the old days when all hell could break loose if you were gone from the BB for very many hours.

Never, you must give up the search for the Holy Grail if you value your life. It is guarded by killer attack rabbits that suffer from permanent PMS. There is but one small hope for success and that is to be a sheep in a wolf ‘s clothing.
I am just glad you didn't make me try and find where and when.

You and me both. Somethings are just better off left dead and buried.

And you're right about seeing those names. Those guys were in their "prime" when I first started posting here. Something tells me we lost a hell of a lot of entertainment when those guys left....
Back to the Original Subject

My personal opinion is....that the sexiest part of a woman (and a man) is their brain/mind. Attitude, intelligence, creativity, confidence...in the right combination, this can increase a person's "looks" and sex appear tenfold!
I just get a real kick out of seeing all these males posting about how they love attitude and intelligence. That is such a crock of politically correct bullshit! It's all about two things......BIG TITS AND JUICEY SLITS.....Have some balls boys!!
Bodizefi said:
I just get a real kick out of seeing all these males posting about how they love attitude and intelligence. That is such a crock of politically correct bullshit! It's all about two things......BIG TITS AND JUICEY SLITS.....Have some balls boys!!

Well Bodizefi I'll have to admire your honesty. But if a woman doesn't carry herself well and have confidence, intelligence, and poise what good would those two things do you? There is no challenge in a woman that has no brains or attitude but has big tits and a juicey slit. And lets face it you guys love a challenge.
I think it is all in the attitude. As long as she has self confidence, and isn't a snobby bitch, then she is really gorgeous. Sorry ladies. <g> but I have so many women who are wayyyy to preoccupied with their looks. And as a bisexual woman, who is not completely satisfied with her body and has 3 kids. I think I look pretty damn good. excuse my language please.
That's my final answer.

A pulse! Only because I'm not really into necrophilia.
Unclebill said:
And never forget: the largest, most potent sex organ the human being possesses is between the ears, not the legs!

Of course, the tongue.

I don't think there is one specific formula for what makes a woman sexy to me. Different combinations please different people, and sometimes even the most different can be attracted to eachother. As long as I feel the woman I choose to be with treats me with alot of respect and care, the rest takes care of itself. Maybe I am too romantic for my own good who knows. But hey love is grand to me, despite not having any in my life as of a week ago.


[Edited by Jeff726 on 07-12-2000 at 01:17 PM]