What pissed you off today? Mark II

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Wait... Worms don't cause weight gain, actually quite the opposite. A small oversight. I'm sure you weren't purposely misleading these fine people Cutey... Or were you :eek:

Why, um, NO. Would I do that?

Hmmm. But Necro...what if the worm gets REALLY big? Wouldn't it's mass alone cause the scale to go up as it resides in the host?

I mean...if I had a worm in me that was the size of a small arm and then it exited me (though I shudder to think of HOW and WHERE a worm that size would exit), would I not lose weight after it was gone?
Has anyone else just gone along with their lit life, never clicking on someone's profile...and then one day, they just decide to click. Then they see things... :eek:...sexy things...things that you wouldn't have guessed were there just based off the AV.

Um...wow. Yes. I'm going to go click on other's profiles. See what hidden treasures I can find. Damn.
No, I only click on profiles by mistake or if I have a reason to, which is rare. I M wondering who excited you so; not asking just wondering! I will have fun placing pin the tail on Eva's fancy!

Haha. Happy hunting! :) Strange buttons were pushed. I barely understand the strong reaction myself.
Ok, don't blush!

The bees help the flowers pollinate. They are indescriminate little bugs and make out with every flower they can, but as they brush in and out of flowers they carry the girl parts to the boy parts which lets the flowers make viable seed. The only attracting energy here is to the third party : the bee, the flowers put on their party's clothes but not for each other rather for their accidental matchmaker.

Now birds, birds get it on directly. There might be a bit of a song and dance about I'd, but eventually there is. Big flapping of wings and some serious bird hold on bird hole action; because the cock bird is not as well tooled as his name and gusto would suggest. But there is definitely some direct attraction going on, whose plumage is best, who sings sweetest, who dances well. Eggs follow!

So humans...we are both fussier and less fussy. We might be less focused on the eggs or seeds, but they still impact on our drive, sure as eggs is eggs! We might pick partners with whom nature doesn't let us have babies, big the energy and attraction is right. And while some of us follow traditional lines of beauty in attraction individuals buck trends, and what beauty is varies culturally too! Some of us have looks types, personality types, smell types; or more balanced..combinations of things. Sometimes it's enough that someone just 'feels right' for us. Sometimes it's the hunt. Click those buttons Eva.

This is so...hot. haha!

Is it weird that I want to see bird hole on bird hole action now?

So what about this profile pushed my buttons? A combination of the AV plus the level of skin in the profile, combined with arms,chest, tease and denim....oh and he looks like he would smell nice. But that he would smell good sweaty too. God. I love men. With their rugged, saltiness. Rough hands. Hardness. I want to bite them.

Well..I think my libido has returned! :)
Poor Con. :D
Eva, so happy your libido returned. Now give me a hug...:devil:

*boobie squishy hug*


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