What pissed you off today?

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I'm kind of in a middle ground. If someone is able to manage their problems without meds, I think that is preferable to taking meds. THAT BEING SAID. They better be ACTUALLY able to manage their problems without meds. If they need medication to be a balanced and healthy individual, then they bloody well should take them!!

Most people who are ill *think* they can manage far better than they *actually* can. That's the problem. And bipolar's not an illness that can normally be managed without meds, anymore than epilepsy is.
I'm kind of in a middle ground. If someone is able to manage their problems without meds, I think that is preferable to taking meds. THAT BEING SAID. They better be ACTUALLY able to manage their problems without meds. If they need medication to be a balanced and healthy individual, then they bloody well should take them!![/QUOTE]

Most people who are ill *think* they can manage far better than they *actually* can. That's the problem. And bipolar's not an illness that can normally be managed without meds, anymore than epilepsy is.

The problem is that one of the side effects of bipolar disease (particularly with bipolar type I), is that during manic phases a person won't believe they need meds. In fact, they will sometimes argue that the mere fact that they are manic is PROOF the meds aren't necessary, because who the hell would be this productive/accomplished/happy if something were actually wrong?

I should point out that my views on the subject are heavily influenced by the fact that one of my parents is bipolar I [+ borderline personality disorder, + a history of chronic delusional behavior]. The diagnoses wasn't made until the she was 45-ish; the doctors estimate she had her first episode around the age of 12. She still won't medicate (25 years later), because A) it "makes life boring and fuzzy", B) "the treatment is lithium, and lithium is a salt; therefore if I increase my salt intake, I don't need lithium", C) the whole thing was a conspiracy to give my father the excuse to divorce her, and D) the companies who made psych pharmaceuticals only do so to personally oppress and silence her.

Right. :rolleyes:

My family has an unfortunate history of very delicate brain chemistry. Un-medicated mental illness is a hard limit for me. ;)
The problem is that one of the side effects of bipolar disease (particularly with bipolar type I), is that during manic phases a person won't believe they need meds. In fact, they will sometimes argue that the mere fact that they are manic is PROOF the meds aren't necessary, because who the hell would be this productive/accomplished/happy if something were actually wrong?

I should point out that my views on the subject are heavily influenced by the fact that one of my parents is bipolar I [+ borderline personality disorder, + a history of chronic delusional behavior]. The diagnoses wasn't made until the she was 45-ish; the doctors estimate she had her first episode around the age of 12. She still won't medicate (25 years later), because A) it "makes life boring and fuzzy", B) "the treatment is lithium, and lithium is a salt; therefore if I increase my salt intake, I don't need lithium", C) the whole thing was a conspiracy to give my father the excuse to divorce her, and D) the companies who made psych pharmaceuticals only do so to personally oppress and silence her.

Right. :rolleyes:

My family has an unfortunate history of very delicate brain chemistry. Un-medicated mental illness is a hard limit for me. ;)

I'm making the assumption that the therapist/doctor is involved in the decision not to prescribe medication. I am not talking about someone who just "feels better" and decides to not take them. Just like you keep taking the antibiotic for the prescribed time period even if you're feeling better.
I'm making the assumption that the therapist/doctor is involved in the decision not to prescribe medication. I am not talking about someone who just "feels better" and decides to not take them. Just like you keep taking the antibiotic for the prescribed time period even if you're feeling better.

And experience tells me that 95+ percent of the time a doctor has absolutely nothing to do with the decision... which is part of bipolar disorder [risky, irrational decision making].
And experience tells me that 95+ percent of the time a doctor has absolutely nothing to do with the decision... which is part of bipolar disorder [risky, irrational decision making].

Well sure. And I said that's inappropriate. But if someone is in the situation where they can be managed without medication, I think they should be. Not that they THINK they are in that situation, but where a qualified and competent professional has determined they should be. For some disorders, that may be "never", and if that is the case, that is how they should be treated.
I'm probably one of the few on the extreme opposite end of the spectrum you ranted about... Someone even casually mentions something like bipolar disorder, and I come full stop and ask if they're on or off their meds. :eek: If they try to give me some BS about not needing them, or handeling it holisticall/naturopathically, or that their therapist feels talk-therapy alone is enough for now... Well... Let's just say my reaction isn't pretty. :rolleyes:

*Hugs back* I :heart: you, namesake.

I'm on the extreme opposite end of the spectrum as well. I grew up with an unmedicated, bipolar, alcoholic, cocaine addict mother. Unmedicated bipolar people scare me on a personal basis...to the point where I will not associate with them. Too many bad memories there...
You know that broken tooth I was bitching about a couple of weeks ago? The one that was fixed? Yeah. So. The front part of the plastic that's supposed to fix it just broke off.

People, I don't mind if, in the middle of a chat session, you need to go off and do something in meat space that makes you go idle. I'm perfectly willing to sit here at my laptop and do something else until you get back. But when these interruptions take an hour, then two, then three... I begin to lose my willingness to stick around. But here's the thing: I'm a neurotic mess who'll inevitably attribute that as rudeness on my part. So I'll stay. And I'll wait. But I won't like it, and by and large I don't want to be irritated with the people I chat with. I love those guys. Just, I dunno... If you're going to go take a nap, tell me, so I can go and maybe eat something, instead of being shackled to a computer in case you return. I won't mind, seriously.

It's the same couple of people, every time. Be not proud, fellows.
I don't like working with this person. She had the person on the shift before me help with emergencies instead of, you know, do our JOB, so we were an hour behind when I got in. Now she's gone off to check the animals over 15 min. early (and the clinic isn't THAT busy at this hour).

It really pisses me off when people don't even try to do their job correctly.
Fake People really turns me off. Grow the hell up. I can see right through you >.<
Moving On.....
So I spent about $150 in gas hauling my horse and a barn kid's horse to a show. After a week of no offer to help with gas costs I finally mentioned it to the mom. Her response was "well, no one asked me". Really?? I shouldn't HAVE to ask! :mad:
So I spent about $150 in gas hauling my horse and a barn kid's horse to a show. After a week of no offer to help with gas costs I finally mentioned it to the mom. Her response was "well, no one asked me". Really?? I shouldn't HAVE to ask! :mad:

Lame. (There should really be a thumbs-down face.) She sucks.

I have to ask, though. How'd you do at the show? ;)
Lame. (There should really be a thumbs-down face.) She sucks.

I have to ask, though. How'd you do at the show? ;)

Great! I moved up to the 2" hopeful hunter classes and got 2 third places and a fourth in a field of 7. I was very pleased, especially considering my equitation needs some work and my little 15 hh QH was competing against some 16 and 17 monsters... including a fancy warmblood.

Thanks for asking :)
Great! I moved up to the 2" hopeful hunter classes and got 2 third places and a fourth in a field of 7. I was very pleased, especially considering my equitation needs some work and my little 15 hh QH was competing against some 16 and 17 monsters... including a fancy warmblood.

Thanks for asking :)

Oh, wow, that's fantastic! I've always been jealous of people who do hunters--jumpers, too, even. Saddleseat is exclusively on the flat. :(

I think you did great, especially with a 15 hand QH in a field of big horses and a warmblood. I don't know a ton about hunters, but I do know enough to know that's a great job. Besides, when I showed, I always said I'd done good if I finished in the top half of a class because it meant I was better than average!

/horse geek
Oh, wow, that's fantastic! I've always been jealous of people who do hunters--jumpers, too, even. Saddleseat is exclusively on the flat. :(

I think you did great, especially with a 15 hand QH in a field of big horses and a warmblood. I don't know a ton about hunters, but I do know enough to know that's a great job. Besides, when I showed, I always said I'd done good if I finished in the top half of a class because it meant I was better than average!

/horse geek

Yes, but in saddleseat y'all get to wear those fabulous coats and hats!! Hunter attire is beyond dull.

Thanks for the kind words. I love your attitude about finishing in the top half. :)
The Playground Mod destroyed my thread.

The First Amendment died yesterday on the Playground.

Bunch of pussies over there.

Not the good kind that is gooey and feels good on my wiener but the icky puss filled kind associated with Haitian crack whores.
*perks up slightly* Ponies?

Ponies :( My old man is leaving me tomorrow...at least his new family is wonderful.
*perks up slightly* Ponies?

Ponies :( My old man is leaving me tomorrow...at least his new family is wonderful.

Might sound kind of silly, but when my "bestest cat in the world" moved onward & heaven-ward (after 19 years! :)), I clipped a bit of her fur and make a special little token to keep with me all the time. It still makes me smile when I look at it!
I have to come up with the money to see a psychiatrist now. My doctor apparently thinks I'm beyond the realm of her help. By the way, did I mention I don't have insurance?
Might sound kind of silly, but when my "bestest cat in the world" moved onward & heaven-ward (after 19 years! :)), I clipped a bit of her fur and make a special little token to keep with me all the time. It still makes me smile when I look at it!

I'm stealing a bit of his tail :) I'm going to have my farrier shape a shoe in his approx. hoof shape (I took a tracing) and weave it through the nail holes.

BiBunny, I'm glad you're able to see a psychiatrist now. I hope you find the finances to continue to go :)
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