What pissed you off today?

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Feeling guilty about sticking to my limits when faced with an ultimatum. Why do I do that?
Clearing my schedule for the weekend so I can try to sleep off this chest cold that I can't seem to shake. I like coffee and all, but having lungs that sound like a brewing coffee pot when I exhale is just lame. :/
Clearing my schedule for the weekend so I can try to sleep off this chest cold that I can't seem to shake. I like coffee and all, but having lungs that sound like a brewing coffee pot when I exhale is just lame. :/

That's a good description. ;) I'm brewing Co-lung-bian blend. Raaaaaaaaasp.

Hope you feel better.
People using the word "peeps" for people. It boils my blood. I tell myself "sheesh don't sweat the small stuff", but I just want to rip throats when I hear or read it!
Actually was going to put this in the smile/laugh thread as that was my real reaction, but thought it could be taken the worng way.

People who play with fire then want sympathy when they get burned. It's not rocket science.

Realizing those accursed tree rats (aka squirrels) had eaten *every*...*single*...ear of corn in my garden. Like 300-400 ears. They weren't even ripe yet. They left me not a single one...and because of the drought, I didn't plant any more once the temps went over 95 and stayed there, and now it's too late.

I saw them yesterday, skedoodling across the unplowed portion over to the edge of the woods then up the black walnut trunks with half-cobs in their yaps. I'm not talking one or two tree rats here, I'm talking dozen of them running around the yard...possibly, scores.

Straw--camel, this is the third year in a row and I've tried the Nice Ways. I have my eye on a Ruger Blackhawk Combo Air Rifle--1000 fps, with the Crossman Destroyer pellets that will blow a two inch diameter hole in those friggen' furry fiends.

The marauding 'coons and herds of deer I can repel nicely, but these evil tree rats have to go...they also like green bean plants, hot peppers, strawberries and tomatoes...and digging in my rhubarb & asparagus beds. Grrrrr.
Please feel free to jack this and use it any time you wish.


And may I offer you a pillow so you don't mark that lovely forehead? :rose:
The ex is back in town - MY town.

I was just driving to the store, and there he was - no businness here except to make my life hell.


I did tell S. he was here, but can't tell anyone else, yet - not even my mom, in case I have to disappear for awhile.

Why now?
The stupid woman in the big brand new Toyota Road Runner who almost ran me off the road.....brand new !!! Pfffttt....I think it was too much car for her. :cool:
It started this morning when I knocked a full can of Mountain Dew over. Just little things like that can set me off. Don't get me started on people who can't drive and have to have the biggest fucking car or truck on the planet. I'm sure there is more.
As always I am involved in LGBTI issues back home...yeah I know, I am no longer there, but I have a lot of friends there I worked with as well as socialised with who are heavily involved and keep me involved and informed. Have to say the latest proposed surrogacy laws for Queensland are a huge step back, not just for the LGBTI community, but heterosexual as well. They are intending to change the law to make it a criminal offence (with 3 years imprisonment) for any gay couple, single person, or de facto couple of less than 2 years to have a child/ren through surrogacy...in short, only people allowed to use surrogacy will be straight people who are married, or straight people who have been living together for more than 2 years. Hopefully the efforts of all involved to stop this will work.

In a Louisiana public school, female students who are suspected of being pregnant are told that they must take a pregnancy test. Under school policy, those who are pregnant or refuse to take the test are kicked out and forced to undergo home schooling.​

You can find the rest of the story [<--- Click me!] at the ACLU's Blog of Rights website. As a former high school teacher who saw too damn many bright girls leave school because they were pregnant/had given birth, I'm too pissed to re-read enough of it to post more of it.
In a Louisiana public school, female students who are suspected of being pregnant are told that they must take a pregnancy test. Under school policy, those who are pregnant or refuse to take the test are kicked out and forced to undergo home schooling.​

You can find the rest of the story [<--- Click me!] at the ACLU's Blog of Rights website. As a former high school teacher who saw too damn many bright girls leave school because they were pregnant/had given birth, I'm too pissed to re-read enough of it to post more of it.
Do they kick out the guys who knocked them up, too?
In a Louisiana public school, female students who are suspected of being pregnant are told that they must take a pregnancy test. Under school policy, those who are pregnant or refuse to take the test are kicked out and forced to undergo home schooling.​

Wow, that is harsh, not to mention discriminating!!

My incredibly smart kid's shitty report card he's been hiding. My only hope now is that he passed his AP test.

<------- really Realllly REALLLLLY pissed
Why can't I find a website today that will tell me what time it will be in the U.S. Central Time Zone when it's 7:45 p.m. Thursday in London??? :mad:

I'm usually pretty good at finding what I'm looking for, either through Google or Bing, but for some reason, I keep coming up with crap that has NOTHING to do with the time differential!
Work, because my boss is very ignorant to a lot of things and no one dares point it out to him because his eccentricities let him get away with everything.
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