What pissed you off today?

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Yeah, the dog was clearly safe, the popular one by far, the car next.
The wheelbarrow, shoe, and iron were all in trouble during the last few days of voting. I suppose it's IRONic that I liked the iron because I hate to actually iron. I think I liked sliding it along.
It's funny now, watching irons flood eBay, going for way more money than they would have a month ago and me doing my best not to bid :/
I could just cry right now. I really could.

I'm so behind on work because I was sick a couple of weeks ago. I went to the doctor and got better, but it meant staying at my parents' for four or five days, which made it hard to work. (My doctor is down there.)

So I got back on Sunday, did what had to be done that day, spent Monday getting my shit together, and had the alternator go out on my truck. It'll still run at the moment, but I can't really go anywhere but extremely short trips because once the charge that's on the battery right now goes, it's done until the alternator is replaced.

Tuesday, I worked. Then, there was family drama. Yesterday was fairly productive. Today, I got up, intending to get a lot done. I had a client complaining about blogs and when they were getting done. Then, I found out that 22 of my sites have been hacked. Then, another client told me that she needs several things in the next few days (which, normally, would be fine, but up to my ears in shit right this second). And now, I have a new person wanting some work done.

It's not that I don't want to do the work for these people because I totally do. It's just come at the most inconvenient time ever, and shit keeps piling up, and I could just cry and cry and cry if it'd do me any good.

I just wish the Universe would cut me a break every now and then. :(
What really pissed me off was CNN.

Man goes around shooting cops, and now we care to read his opinions of the world?

PLEASE stop giving these assholes a platform!
Oh, hey, guess what. I've either gone off the deep end for real this time and am hallucinating, or I'm seeing migraine auras. Why the fuck not?

I give up. I'm going to watch my Astonishing X-Men motion comic again and go to bed.

Ok, done bitching now. I promise.
Oh, hey, guess what. I've either gone off the deep end for real this time and am hallucinating, or I'm seeing migraine auras. Why the fuck not?

I give up. I'm going to watch my Astonishing X-Men motion comic again and go to bed.

Ok, done bitching now. I promise.

A good cry is stress releasing. You should watch "Up"

I love having constructive criticism or having my employees bring up new positive ideas. What I dislike is being manipulated and constantly berated by a employee. I also don't like "know it all" attitudes either. I just find it repulsive. That said that employee no longer works for me. I can let it go now......lol

Somedays don't you feel like your running an adult day care? LOL
How is it possible that whenever I have one of those fat-stupid-ugly-utter-failure days, some random idiot comes along and says, in real life and in so many words, that I'm fat or stupid or ugly or a failure, or some derivation thereof?

It's wrong to kick a woman who's already on the ground, dammit!

Clearly the universe didn't hear my declaration of denouncing all things negative.
Dear assholes, I hate you. You arrogant, cheap, idiots aren't worth the dirt on my shoes, yet you got me.
I had to slam on my brakes on the way to work to keep from hitting a rat running across the street. I hope he made it the rest of the way. You dickheads, I couldn't care less about. Fuckers.

Ahhhhh..... well, still pissed

I think I'm in the wrong business.
Sheesh, I'm all over this thread. Grumpy cat

Annnny way. I seem to be going through an anti-horny time. Maybe it's a "use it or lose it" related thing, but I just have no interest lately. Reading some threads in "BDSM talk" has actually added to my unhorny too.
I hope it passes.
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Yesterday - turned in something shitty just to meet the deadline. I don't know, I figured why not, but maybe I should've skipped it. The piece isn't done and I don't really feel inspired to finish it. I guess that's what actually pisses me off. I have been working on this thing for so long now. But other things have come up - two other shows - that stuff is going well. And I can't do everything. SO GET OFF MY FUCKING BACK PEOPLE!!! Oh. No one is on my back. Right. Carry on then!
Why the FUCK is Lit suddenly censoring links to photobucket . com pics in sigs, etc.? It forced me to upload my FYC button directly to Lit instead of having the link, and told me I was using a censored term!

Etoile? KC? Can someone get a definitive answer from Laurel/Manu why this has, after so many years, suddenly become an issue? I note that LK and gypsy are having the same issue in *their* siglines...
Why the FUCK is Lit suddenly censoring links to photobucket . com pics in sigs, etc.? It forced me to upload my FYC button directly to Lit instead of having the link, and told me I was using a censored term!

Etoile? KC? Can someone get a definitive answer from Laurel/Manu why this has, after so many years, suddenly become an issue? I note that LK and gypsy are having the same issue in *their* siglines...

SW and anyone else having this issue should read Lady G's sticky thread in the How To forum titled Photobucket Users. It says once the link to lit is broken theuser name of Photobucket becomes visible on Lit. May be an issue depending on your user name on Photobucket. :eek:
SW and anyone else having this issue should read Lady G's sticky thread in the How To forum titled Photobucket Users. It says once the link to lit is broken theuser name of Photobucket becomes visible on Lit. May be an issue depending on your user name on Photobucket. :eek:

Good catch, WW. I'm glad that I only use photobucket for pics that I post here so my user name there is related to mwy.

Of course, my question is why is it necessary to put images in one's sig, but I suppose that's just a matter of taste.
Why the FUCK is Lit suddenly censoring links to photobucket . com pics in sigs, etc.? It forced me to upload my FYC button directly to Lit instead of having the link, and told me I was using a censored term!

Etoile? KC? Can someone get a definitive answer from Laurel/Manu why this has, after so many years, suddenly become an issue? I note that LK and gypsy are having the same issue in *their* siglines...

Oh hey, my pics are back. I didn't do anything.

And MWY, I like pictures.... pretty, pretty, pictures
Oh hey, my pics are back. I didn't do anything.

And MWY, I like pictures.... pretty, pretty, pictures

I turned off signatures about 9 years ago when I was mostly frequenting The Playground. Over there, the number of people who have incredibly long sigs complete with pictures, rainbows, animated walking viking gifs, and sappy saccharine quotations from Hallmark books is astoundingly large. I got tired of wasting the pixels on their diabetes-inspiring drek.
Somehow, I got borscht up my nose. DOES NOT FEEL GOOD.

Ummm...that sounds REALLY kinky ~ and not in a good way!

It's days later and I am STILL feeling depleted by this bug. Harrumph.

Is it nap thirty yet?

Hell! It's a quarter-to-siesta! Here'a a chennille bathrobe, some fuzzy bumblebee slippers, and a cup of Gypsy Cold Care tea!
(it's a real tea, and it's great for a cold!)
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