What pissed you off today?

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I'm deleting this rather long and stupid rant. My mum annoys the crap out of me sometimes, but at least she tries.
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Reading a story in the local rag about a young woman walking down the street near here, and was set upon by a car load of women who robbed her, beat her up and left her sobbing on the side of the road. No one stopped to help her. And it is a busy industrial area where it happened. It takes you five minutes to cross the street there's so much traffic. That's how busy it is.

It turned my gut.
"it's going to be DIFFERENT! Honest! Sure, we are showing you nothing different at all, just the same old same old, and sure we are inviting the same huge privileged population that always gets first grab, but no... really... don't worry, it will be different!"

Really? Will we have more of this and less of that?

"We have to keep our secrets right now-- but don't worry! You'll love it! There will be room for everyone!"

Really? Where will my room be? because it seems like my toes are getting stepped on already, and I'm being asked to compromise-- as usual. In other words, I'm expecting the same old song and dance.

Oh, trust us this is going to be different! Just be patient... and ease up, be willing to compromise..."

Well, can you please, please, just show me something that would make me think you even know what I am talking about?

Like we said, we have to keep our secrets...

Okay. I'll check back with you when secret-keeping time is over. And have a hearty fuck you as I walk out the door.
I received a PM from a member who was rather rude and degrading toward me.

In fact due to the member's insensitivity and apparently not realizing I am real person - who decided to subscribe to a free for all sex oriented message board - the PM pissed me off so much I was about to start a new thread to gripe about it.

But then I came to my senses, realizing I am a mature adult with a fairly thick skin, so I simply deleted the PM and moved on.

<pats myself on the back>
I received a PM from a member who was rather rude and degrading toward me.

In fact due to the member's insensitivity and apparently not realizing I am real person - who decided to subscribe to a free for all sex oriented message board - the PM pissed me off so much I was about to start a new thread to gripe about it.

But then I came to my senses, realizing I am a mature adult with a fairly thick skin, so I simply deleted the PM and moved on.

<pats myself on the back>
Since this is your only post in the BDSM fora, and I don't recall having PMed you ;), one would presume that the PM came from someone on the HT Café or the GB.

Congratulations on your maturity and determination non illegitimi carborundum, and welcome, if you are interested in the BDSM culture, to a more mature and welcoming group of people than you'll usually find in those "other" places.

BDSM Talk is a forum designed to discuss BDSM-oriented topics, concerns, questions, and issues in at least a semi-serious tone of text; this Café is more for entertainment and talk of just about *any*thing, often from the viewpoint of kinksters, or just to vent/discuss something that strikes the mind(s) of people.

There are some really great people here - and some grumpy old men, like me - who are quite willing to share their knowledge and years (or decades) of experience with just about anyone who cares to absorb their thoughts and share their own viewpoints and experiences. Jump on in! The water's warm, and the people here are the best (IMNSHO) on Lit!
Since this is your only post in the BDSM fora, and I don't recall having PMed you ;), one would presume that the PM came from someone on the HT Café or the GB.

Congratulations on your maturity and determination non illegitimi carborundum, and welcome, if you are interested in the BDSM culture, to a more mature and welcoming group of people than you'll usually find in those "other" places.

BDSM Talk is a forum designed to discuss BDSM-oriented topics, concerns, questions, and issues in at least a semi-serious tone of text; this Café is more for entertainment and talk of just about *any*thing, often from the viewpoint of kinksters, or just to vent/discuss something that strikes the mind(s) of people.

There are some really great people here - and some grumpy old men, like me - who are quite willing to share their knowledge and years (or decades) of experience with just about anyone who cares to absorb their thoughts and share their own viewpoints and experiences. Jump on in! The water's warm, and the people here are the best (IMNSHO) on Lit!

Just to make one thing perfectly clear: the water is NOT warm because some people are into underwater water sports. We don't like their kind. ;)
What really pisses me off.

Wannabes who think they are experts at every aspect of BDSM and just simply must share all the knowledge and wisdom they can blow out their ass. Do the world a favour, clench you ass and hold all the BS in.
Feeling taken advantage of at work. :mad:

I don't get paid nearly enough to put up with this bullshit. :rolleyes:
Feeling taken advantage of at work. :mad:

I don't get paid nearly enough to put up with this bullshit. :rolleyes:

Me too, hunny bunny. I almost walked today...had to call S. for encouragement/reality check just to get through the day!
*SO glad the day is over*
Losing a close friend who appeared to be the picture of good health. He went out for a jog and that was the last thing he did. Barely a couple years older than me, too.
A completely hollow apology from someone who spread chaos in my art community for several years. Now she claims she was "under Satan's influence." Yeah, sure, bitch, the devil made you do it, now you say you've found god and everyone is instantly supposed to love you and forgive you.

So. Not. Happening!
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