What pissed you off today?

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Your advice makes sense in the retail/sales area. I work in a bank, though. So when people come in, unless they're using the ATM, they need to talk to us. It's frustrating when they hold up lines or don't tell me what they need and instead hold their hand up to my face and expect me to wait while they finish their conversation. Meanwhile, the line behind them if full of people waiting to be helped. :(
LOL! I'd probably get fired day one in that situation, because the first time someone stuck their hand in my face so they could finish a conversation, I'd wave the next person in line on up, and when phone-maven got all pissy about it, send him/her to the end of the line to wait.
LOL! I'd probably get fired day one in that situation, because the first time someone stuck their hand in my face so they could finish a conversation, I'd wave the next person in line on up, and when phone-maven got all pissy about it, send him/her to the end of the line to wait.

(@_@) some days I really want to hurt people. That big glass wall isn't to protect the bank employees, it's to keep the employees from pouncing customers and gauging their eyes out.
Hubby goin cold turkey off of ambien and bein a pain in the ass for 6 days straight now... i realize it is had to do but holy hell i can only take so much of the complaining ready to gag him.
After a 6 year Hiatus from Lit......not being able to remember my user name and password! hehehe:eek:
(@_@) some days I really want to hurt people. That big glass wall isn't to protect the bank employees, it's to keep the employees from pouncing customers and gauging their eyes out.

ee he he he. I loved this image. I have clients I want to do this to...
last time i went to a bank there were big signs clearly stating if you are on the cell phone when you aproach the teller you will be escorted to the back of the line (by the uniformed security guy busy waiving people to the next available teller... as if the LED signs weren't enough).

So in that credit union at least you'd be just fine?
I probably would be okay there... though my noted intolerance for teh stoopid might still be a problem.

I wish *my* bank (the only one within 30 miles) had signs like that (and *any* security guy, lol! They don't even have an electronically controlled door...), but they don't, and cell-talk-banking-chatting with someone in the next line over are quite common.
You'd be amazed at how many people still miss the LED signs(-。-;

All day long, they miss the signs (no LED signs, but still signs). And when they get to the window they hand me their cards and tell me they want money. They didn't bother to even stop at the big desk with pens and slips of paper designated to deposit and withdrawal. Argh!

After posting this here I do feel much better. Most days I let the stupid just roll off my back. Somedays it just weights me down.

We posted a few pics online of our collaring, beautiful, professional pics.
Yesterday night, we got a PM first of all saying that it looked as though I needed the gym. Then when Master replied that in his eyes I was perfect, a nasty PM saying Daisy is a Cows name, I sure look like a cow.

WTF! What kind of idiot sends this shit? One would expect a 19 year old male, but no, this was a 30 something supposed Domme, who wasn't quite secure enough to post any pictures of herself on her profile. Grrrrrrrrrrr!
WTF! What kind of idiot sends this shit? One would expect a 19 year old male, but no, this was a 30 something supposed Domme, who wasn't quite secure enough to post any pictures of herself on her profile. Grrrrrrrrrrr!

What a jerk! Just let it roll off your back, daisy!
We posted a few pics online of our collaring, beautiful, professional pics.
Yesterday night, we got a PM first of all saying that it looked as though I needed the gym. Then when Master replied that in his eyes I was perfect, a nasty PM saying Daisy is a Cows name, I sure look like a cow.

WTF! What kind of idiot sends this shit? One would expect a 19 year old male, but no, this was a 30 something supposed Domme, who wasn't quite secure enough to post any pictures of herself on her profile. Grrrrrrrrrrr!

What a cunt! (♯`∧´)

Congrats, by the way!
It's going to cost $4,000 to fix my car. The car isn't even worth 3 thousand. I really, really do not want to have to buy a new one. :(
It's going to cost $4,000 to fix my car. The car isn't even worth 3 thousand. I really, really do not want to have to buy a new one. :(

I have a friend who is similarly putting more into fixing her car than it's "worth". But the thing is, to her, it IS worth the amount. The rest of her car (beyond this one expensive fix) is in good shape. She likes the car, she is used to the car, and she doesn't WANT a different car. So, to her, it's worth spending more to fix it than to buy a new one.

It's a rough place to be in though xD I felt similarly when my truck finally got into an accident and insurance wrote it off. It's just hard!!!
Last night at 10 PM the kind of truck that cleans sewers came and started doing something incredibly loud right in front of our building. It went on until 1 AM and it wasn't possible to sleep, because whatever it was doing (there's no manhole in front of our building, so I really don't know what it was doing!) was making the walls resonate on this horrible frequency. I thought my head was going to explode.

Now I'm tired and cranky as fuck.
I have a friend who is similarly putting more into fixing her car than it's "worth". But the thing is, to her, it IS worth the amount. The rest of her car (beyond this one expensive fix) is in good shape. She likes the car, she is used to the car, and she doesn't WANT a different car. So, to her, it's worth spending more to fix it than to buy a new one.

It's a rough place to be in though xD I felt similarly when my truck finally got into an accident and insurance wrote it off. It's just hard!!!

Thanks! I'm the type of person who develops close personal relationships with the cars I drive. I've had it for 8 years. We have criss-crossed the country together. Interestingly I got it almost at the same time I began my D/s relationship. Hmmmm, my car is dying and so is my relationship. Interesting timing

I don't like to give up. But maybe it's time for a change.

I just put over $1300 into it a few months ago. I wonder if I can just sell it for parts?
Thanks! I'm the type of person who develops close personal relationships with the cars I drive. I've had it for 8 years. We have criss-crossed the country together. Interestingly I got it almost at the same time I began my D/s relationship. Hmmmm, my car is dying and so is my relationship. Interesting timing

I don't like to give up. But maybe it's time for a change.

I just put over $1300 into it a few months ago. I wonder if I can just sell it for parts?

Assuming that there are no other known major problems with the car (i.e., significant body rust, a badly deteriorating interior, other needed repairs that are being put off because the problems don't disable the car), the way I look at this kind of situation is this: I like the car and it has served me well so far. Because of the cost of needed repair, I will have to spend either $4,000 or some much larger amount to replace the car. I don't really want the expense of a new car, so how much car could I get for the cost of bringing this car, that I like, up to snuff? Most likely, the answer is that you couldn't get much car for the same amount.
Assuming that there are no other known major problems with the car (i.e., significant body rust, a badly deteriorating interior, other needed repairs that are being put off because the problems don't disable the car), the way I look at this kind of situation is this: I like the car and it has served me well so far. Because of the cost of needed repair, I will have to spend either $4,000 or some much larger amount to replace the car. I don't really want the expense of a new car, so how much car could I get for the cost of bringing this car, that I like, up to snuff? Most likely, the answer is that you couldn't get much car for the same amount.

Thank you, I truly appreciate your view of the situation. I am somewhat leaning toward keeping it. The body is fine. The heat and A/C work. The heated seats work, too, which is a favorite feature of mine. Plus my son needs to learn to drive on a vehicle. I would rather he learn on an older car than a brand new one. Not to mention the insurance costs with a male teen driver in the family is significantly less with an older car.

I also hate with a passion the whole buying a new car process. I always feel like I have been taken advantage of and paid way more than I should have paid.
Thank you, I truly appreciate your view of the situation. I am somewhat leaning toward keeping it. The body is fine. The heat and A/C work. The heated seats work, too, which is a favorite feature of mine. Plus my son needs to learn to drive on a vehicle. I would rather he learn on an older car than a brand new one. Not to mention the insurance costs with a male teen driver in the family is significantly less with an older car.

I also hate with a passion the whole buying a new car process. I always feel like I have been taken advantage of and paid way more than I should have paid.

The thing is, so many parts of a car will last for decades if cared for, it's really irrational to replace a car after only a few years. If you can bring the car up to everything-works-and-looks-pretty good status for much less than you would spend to buy a new car without a loan, then unless you despise the car for some reason, it's best to renew the old buggy and give it a few more years of life. My Accord is approaching 200,000 miles and runs flawlessly. Soon I'll get some damaged paint repaired as well as the front seats and it will be good for another 100,000 miles at least. There's absolutely no way I could get a car of similar comfort and reliability for even twice what this rejuvenation will cost.
Another expensive last minute surprise: I have one day to produce college tuition because the VA screwed up my GI Bill benefits again. Looks like I'll be knitting Christmas presents this year!
Another expensive last minute surprise: I have one day to produce college tuition because the VA screwed up my GI Bill benefits again. Looks like I'll be knitting Christmas presents this year!
And each of the recipients will have the joy of knowing that they got you in each gift. Home/Hand-made says love.
And each of the recipients will have the joy of knowing that they got you in each gift. Home/Hand-made says love.

:) You're right, Sir Winston. Maybe I should knit everyone some underpants just to make it interesting.
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