What the American people need to know about the Democratic Party machine ‘destroy democracy to save it’

ICan'tHelp is weird. His beloved leader has said out loud that he wants to overturn the Constitution and make himself dictator.

He fools nobody by pretending that it's the Democratic Party that wants to do that instead.
Biden's famous words " NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!!!" except for him apparently!

I edited my post when you posted.


Find a non-biased factual source for your information and it can be looked at. Even then, comparing pandemic relief to Trump saying he's going to be a dictator is fucking weak.

All you do is deflect.

Trump actually said that he was going to be a dictator on the first day. You excuse it, rationalize it, deflect from it. But he said this. Your temper tantrums do not change that.

Explain Trump. Explain how it is okay for a candidate and former president to say that they are going to be a dictator for a day. In America. With our constitution. Explain it.
I edited my post when you posted.


Find a non-biased factual source for your information and it can be looked at. Even then, comparing pandemic relief to Trump saying he's going to be a dictator is fucking weak.

All you do is deflect.

Trump actually said that he was going to be a dictator on the first day. You excuse it, rationalize it, deflect from it. But he said this. Your temper tantrums do not change that.

Explain Trump. Explain how it is okay for a candidate and former president to say that they are going to be a dictator for a day. In America. With our constitution. Explain it.
The lie is democrats sensationalized the words ( metaphorically speaking) dictator for one day or twisting metaphoric speech constantly taking things out of context to promote intellectually dishonest bumper slogans. Today, everyone in the sphere of democrat demagogy promote Harris' flip flopping as an honest change of heart towards policy but when Trump explains his metaphorical speech promoting border security and energy independence democrats quickly scramble to find a fainting couch.

A current democrat scandal is the hypocrisy that back when Trump was pres dems railed Trump putting kids in cages and yet under Biden and Harris an estimated 300,000 migrant children have fallen completely off the Radar. Where are these same democrats today? Bunch of lying hypocrites.

Biased sources are nothing more than your ideological interpretation. Opinions from a politically slanted media platforms doesn't mean the author is spewing inaccurate information and that every editorial that you disagree with ideologically makes them inaccurate, makes them less truthful. People that do that are either uninformed or incapable of forming their own conclusions based on their own fact checking research.
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The lie is democrats sensationalized the words ( metaphorically speaking) dictator for one day or twisting metaphoric speech constantly taking things out of context to promote intellectually dishonest bumper slogans. Today, everyone in the sphere of democrat demagogy promote Harris' flip flopping as an honest change of heart towards policy but when Trump explains his metaphorical speech promoting border security and energy independence democrats quickly scramble to find a fainting couch.

A current democrat scandal is the hypocrisy that back when Trump was pres dems railed Trump putting kids in cages and yet under Biden and Harris an estimated 300,000 migrant children have fallen completely off the Radar. Where are these same democrats today? Bunch of lying hypocrites.

Dude. He said he was going to be a dictator on the first day of his presidency to order "drill baby drill" (which is stupid because we already produce more oil than anyone else and Biden broke OPEC) and to build the wall (odd, because he said he already built the wall but whatever.)

Those are his exact words. "I'm going to be a dictator on the first day so we can drill baby drill and to build the wall."

How is that out of context?

Again you've told us that he doesn't mean what he said but haven't told us exactly what he did mean. Please, go ahead. We are waiting.
Dude. He said he was going to be a dictator on the first day of his presidency to order "drill baby drill" (which is stupid because we already produce more oil than anyone else and Biden broke OPEC) and to build the wall (odd, because he said he already built the wall but whatever.)

Those are his exact words. "I'm going to be a dictator on the first day so we can drill baby drill and to build the wall."

How is that out of context?

Again you've told us that he doesn't mean what he said but haven't told us exactly what he did mean. Please, go ahead. We are waiting.
Our oil production is in spite of Biden's energy policy, most coming from private sources.
Again, what did Trump mean?
Why don't you tell us what Trump meant? I already told you what he meant and I also told you what dems concocted out of his statement. He was metaphorically speaking. You suffer from TDS on steroids. Biden actually stated he was proud to break the law!! They should have impeached him for that but as long as corrupt Chuck Schumer is senate leader Biden can get away with any crime he choses.
Why don't you tell us what Trump meant? I already told you what he meant and I also told you what dems concocted out of his statement. He was metaphorically speaking. You suffer from TDS on steroids. Biden actually stated he was proud to break the law!! They should have impeached him for that but as long as corrupt Chuck Schumer is senate leader Biden can get away with any crime he choses.

I told you that Trump meant exactly what he said.

Metaphor for what? How does one speak metaphorically about being dictator? What did the metaphor mean?
Democrats live in a Potemkin village.

The Democrat National Convention was nothin more than a Potemkin celebration of a successful palace coup. SAD!

The grand democrat plan is to pretend to protect democracy while usurping authority from the people to create an omnipotent fascist state.

One multi millionaire political speaker after another took to the Lectern lecturing us on the sins of excess. Tax the rich, wealth redistribution while these phonies live in exotic homes all over the world appropriating their riches at the expense of the American people.
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I told you that Trump meant exactly what he said.

Metaphor for what? How does one speak metaphorically about being dictator? What did the metaphor mean?

Learn more…Opens in new tab
A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two things that are not related in a non-literal way. It often involves stating that one thing is another thing, such as "you are a clown" or "I'm drowning in work". The qualities of one thing are figuratively applied to another to convey meaning. For example, in "I'm drowning in work," the urgency and helplessness of drowning are used to describe the work that needs to be done.

Metaphors are often used in poetry and literature to add color to language. They can also help people understand cultural contexts, perspectives, and experiences. Analyzing and interpreting metaphors requires critical thinking skills to decipher the intended meaning and implications.
Learn more…Opens in new tab
A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two things that are not related in a non-literal way. It often involves stating that one thing is another thing, such as "you are a clown" or "I'm drowning in work". The qualities of one thing are figuratively applied to another to convey meaning. For example, in "I'm drowning in work," the urgency and helplessness of drowning are used to describe the work that needs to be done.

Metaphors are often used in poetry and literature to add color to language. They can also help people understand cultural contexts, perspectives, and experiences. Analyzing and interpreting metaphors requires critical thinking skills to decipher the intended meaning and implications.


You're the one insisting he didn't mean it and that it was a metaphor.

What was it a metaphor for?

Simple question. You can either answer it or you can't.

You're the one insisting he didn't mean it and that it was a metaphor.

What was it a metaphor for?

Simple question. You can either answer it or you can't.
Analyzing and interpreting metaphors requires critical thinking skills to decipher the intended meaning and implications.
Analyzing and interpreting metaphors requires critical thinking skills to decipher the intended meaning and implications.

Yes it does and apparently you don't have them as all you can do is state that it was a metaphor but not what it was a metaphor for.

Nice self own traitor.
Further, why are you as someone who served in the military, who took an oath to defend and protect the constitution okay with any former president or any presidential candidate using that kind of language?

How the fuck are you okay with that? Are you that god damned terrified of democrats that you would sell out to your country to someone who says they want to be a dictator? Do you hate democrats more than you love your country? What kind of oath did you take? The one you can say "oops, just kidding"?
Yes it does and apparently you don't have them as all you can do is state that it was a metaphor but not what it was a metaphor for.

Nice self own traitor.

Decent, intelligent individuals extrapolated from Trump’s “dictator for one day” comment, factoring in his open admiration of dictators, his known aspiration for consolidation of ALL power into his hands alone, his previous comments about suspending the constitution, co-opting the DOJ, locking up people with opposing political views (ACTUAL patriotic American), constructing "detention camps", etc, etc, etc, and those decent, intelligent people came to the logical conclusion that Trump plans to be a dictator for faaaaar more than just “one day”, and that he plans to dictate faaaaaar more than just “drill baby drill” and “build the wall”.

Of course, ineedhelp1 is NOT a decent, intelligent individual, so they came to a completely different and illogical conclusion after hearing Trump’s comments about being a dictator for “one day”.


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Decent, intelligent individuals extrapolated from Trump’s “dictator for one day” comment, factoring in his open admiration of dictators, his known aspiration for consolidation of ALL power into his hands alone, his previous comments about suspending the constitution, co-opting the DOJ, locking up people with opposing political views (ACTUAL patriotic American), constructing "detention camps", etc, etc, etc, and those decent, intelligent people came to the logical conclusion that Trump plans to be a dictator for faaaaar more than just “one day”, and that he plans to dictate faaaaaar more than just “drill baby drill” and “build the wall”.

Of course, ineedhelp1 is NOT a decent, intelligent individual, so they came to a completely different and illogical conclusion after hearing Trump’s comments about being a dictator for “one day”.


The only party consolidating power are the democrats as demonstrated by the use of lawfare to eliminate any political opposition and throw their opposition in jail.
The only party consolidating power are the democrats as demonstrated by the use of lawfare to eliminate any political opposition and throw their opposition in jail.
I'd actually take it a step further and suspect them of attempting to facilitate the death of their opponents.
ICan'tHelp is weird. His beloved leader has said out loud that he wants to overturn the Constitution and make himself dictator.

He fools nobody by pretending that it's the Democratic Party that wants to do that instead.