What the hell are you?

Me? Multiple personalities. You are never going to be sure which one is talking to you. Hell, I wake up in the morning and it takes me an hour or so to figure out who I am that particular day. Drives me nuts sometimes, y'know. Someone nicknamed me 'Sybil' in high school and I just shrugged--it was a fair cop. If I sound at all consistent here, it's because I only post in two or three of my personalities. The rest of them do the housework and read to the kiddies.

Would this be a good time to reveal that I have more than one Lit ID? ;-)

I am the source of totally useless information and the one who writes long boring stories with incidental sex.

Also garderobe curator and writer of The Worst Chain Story Ever Chap 01 which must be "The Worst" because no one yet has got round to writing Chap 02.

I am better than everyone.
I'm the arguement for arguements sake.
I'm the wounder.
I am the part-time, sometime giver of a smile.
I'm scathing.
I'm caustic.
I'm far too clever for my own good.
I'm no worse than anyone else.
I'm subtle and sickening.
I am Yorkshire.
But above all I'm


I'm not a poet.

Words not included in the above may or may not be attributable. All agreements are binding. The owner retains the right to withdraw any or all parts of above description. APR 23.7%. Subject to terms and conditions. Full money back refund if this inclusion does not cause at least a smile. LImited offer.
In my wishful thinking, I'm the cat lady. More often I'm the one who sits in the room and laughs when she overhears a joke told by the center group and never quite has the cojones to edge her seat any closer.
I'm genuine.

Sweet, shy, quiet and demure.

Gleaming with maniacal purity, mythically virtuous, fancifully wholesome.

I'm chaste.

In fact, I just may become a nun.

Then again, late one evening after lots of wine (from across a smoke-filled room) you just may see my wave function legs entwined with openthighs_sarahs'.

I can't decide.
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openthighs_sarah said:
I'm the one who's drinking. Specifically, I'm the one who's drinking wine. Sometimes I wish I smoked, because I'd like to be the one who's drinking wine and smoking. You would see me across a smoke-filled room, but I'd be very hazy, you see, because of all the smoke. I'd be a possibility, a probability -- you could describe me with a nice little wave function. The wave function would be kind of sexy and innocent and jaded and naive, all at the same time, a wave function with bite, but with curves, too -- not like those emaciated young supermodel wave functions. Fuck them. Fuck them and their stupid salads. If wave functions had legs, and I'm not suggesting they do, this one would have nice legs. It would giggle a lot. It would seem to exist somewhere at the intersection between sophistication and capricious amphigory.

Then the smoke would clear, (because I don't really smoke after all), and poof, the wave function would collapse.

Schrodinger's Sarah? Nice.

The Earl
I'm KillerMuffin.

I'm mean--hence the "killer" part of my name. And the "muffin", too, come to think about it.

I'm cruel--see above.

I'm good looking--hence the "killer" part of my name.

I'm a good writer--hence the "killer" part of my name.

I'm aggressive and overbearing--hence the "killer" part of my name. And the "muffin", too, come to think about it.

I'm NOT a moderator of the Author's Hangout and despite Perdita's slightly creepy, public obsession with making sure that I know she's too (insert positive affirmation of the day) to kiss my ass, I hate, loathe, and usually attack people who do so. Kissing my ass is a sign of weakness. It will also get you nowhere.

I'm as egalitarian as possible--hence my Laurel hero-worship.

I'm a hypocrite and not afraid to admit it. Unlike most everyone else on the planet.

I'm arrogant, conceited, vain, and insecure.

I'm also loyal, honest, generous, self-deprecating, and worried about whether or not people think I'm a good person--but don't let that get out. I'll kick your ass while I'm denying it.

I call Svenskaflicka Sven whenever I'm feeling my oats. She's a marshmellow.

Last but not least. I make money writing. I make money editing. While not exactly a sterling recommendation for my talent--it usually serves to swell my ego disproportionately.
MathGirl said:
I suppose I'd have to call myself the 'class clown.' My intelligence can't compete with the likes of Leslie or Demon, and I do not have a formidable wiwi like BlackSnake.

But you really wish you had a dick, or you want my snake up your asshole.
sweetsubsarahh said:
No, no, no!

Leave the poor kitties alone!

Too late Sarahh you thought about them and the box was made of re-sublimated thiotimoline and they drowned.

I am nothing, but a humble newbie.
I cannot wait to crawl from noobdom.

(Kinda fun being a virgin again, though :cathappy: )
KillerMuffin said:
...despite Perdita's slightly creepy, public obsession with making sure that I know she's too (insert positive affirmation of the day) to kiss my ass, I hate, loathe, and usually attack people who do so.
For the record I doubt I've posted more than a handful of times to or about KM. I do not think of her, let alone am obsessed with her ass, except when she pops up in posts. Therefore, hit Ignore now, Perd. Fini
I am but a new quill in a library of established books...

I love sex, and since there is no conflict in sex, for me, it is very easy to write short stories about having sex. Because I enjoy sex so much, and write dirty stories about it all the time thus I came up with the simple screen name Dirty Slut. But really, I'm no different than any other person.

gauchecritic said:
Too late Sarahh you thought about them and the box was made of re-sublimated thiotimoline and they drowned.


Wasn't thiotimoline that chemical from the Asimov story that dissolved 0.14 seconds before it hit the water? Just checking I've got my references right.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
Wasn't thiotimoline that chemical from the Asimov story that dissolved 0.14 seconds before it hit the water? Just checking I've got my references right.

The Earl

Yes - an Isaac Asimov story - a make-believe substance that actually dissolved in water before the water was added.

(I'm not a big fan of science fiction so I've never read the actual work. My husband is the Asimov fan.)

So the kitties couldn't have really drowned because there was no water.

But Gauche is a meanie!
The entire story was about predetermination theory as far as I remember (I read it about 4 years ago). You could set up a system which would mean that a sample of the chemical would dissolve a day before the water was added at the other end of the system. However if the thiotimoline dissolved and you didn't intend to add water, then somethign would happen, like a natural disaster to ensure that water was added.

So the kitties would drown. It's predetermination theory.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
So the kitties would drown. It's predetermination theory.

The Earl



(Where's Gauche? My kitties are pissed!)
Yeesh. Maybe I don't want to be the cat lady after all.

Quint "Going down with the kittens!"
Originally posted by BlackSnake But you really wish you had a dick, or you want my snake up your asshole.
Dear BS,
Gosh, do you really have a large wiwi? Please tell us about it.
MathGirl said:
Dear BS,
Gosh, do you really have a large wiwi? Please tell us about it.

Oh God! Lethal levels of sarcasm floating around.

The Earl
Okay, I'll admit that I'm a newbie.

I'm simply here. Calmly taking in all of the information and experiences.