What was your favorite thing to pretend when you were a child?

A Desert Rose said:
I notice that we grow up to be "like" we played as kids and that is pretty interesting. ~smile~

I know that when I was a kid, whenever the group of guys got together to play war, I was always given command of my squad, and, of course, we always won. ;)

Another interesting thing was that, at one point, we were on this big kick with Robin Hood (Kevin Costner style), and, living near the woods, we built our own little Robin Hood-esque fort. Guess who was Robin Hood.

I guess it's things like this that led to me having a more dominant, commanding personality. If only we'd been able to convince our pretty little neighbhor to be Maid Marian, we could have had some real fun.

Interesting that the pretend role we played, in some cases became the adult role we live.

As I go back and read all the posts thus far, I see that very distinctly, especially among the few of you that I know personally. The descriptions of your/our pretend days fits very well into what I know of you and I think what you know of me, today.
When I was about 10-12, I played with a neighbor girl. She was a couple years younger than I was. We spent a lot of time together, back then. And, we learned a lot from each other. We played house, mostly. The trade off was I would let her kiss me, if she would let me spank her. She let me pull down her panties and spank her perfect little naked behind, and I loved it. I didn't even know what I was doing, but I have loved it ever sense. Oh, and now I'm much better at it, too.

And, we did the normal "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours" thing. She instigated that. God, this brings back great memories. I wish I knew where she is now. I would like to tell her thank you!

We also played Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. That was fun, except she wanted to be Dale and ride Silver. I never could get her to understand that Dale's horse was Buttermilk. Roy would always ride Silver.

Hey, don't look at me. It wasn't my rule.
DVS said:
When I was about 10-12, I played with a neighbor girl. She was a couple years younger than I was. We spent a lot of time together, back then. And, we learned a lot from each other. We played house, mostly. The trade off was I would let her kiss me, if she would let me spank her. She let me pull down her panties and spank her perfect little naked behind, and I loved it. I didn't even know what I was doing, but I have loved it ever sense. Oh, and now I'm much better at it, too.

And, we did the normal "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours" thing. She instigated that. God, this brings back great memories. I wish I knew where she is now. I would like to tell her thank you!

We also played Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. That was fun, except she wanted to be Dale and ride Silver. I never could get her to understand that Dale's horse was Buttermilk. Roy would always ride Silver.

Hey, don't look at me. It wasn't my rule.

This whole post makes me smile and giggle. What lovely memories.


Bunny, I can see you tied up now in the Princess Daisy dress, kicking your legs and yelling for Mario. Cute. Strange (which I like), but cute.
hmmm.....now that's an idea....wonder how hard it would be to make a princess daisy costume......
What the hell is a princess daisy costume? A dress with daisys on it and a crown on your head? If so, I would rather see just the crown, thank you very much. It would also save you some time and daisy material.

See, I am just trying to help 0ut.
bunny bondage said:
you know, that dress she always wore...the pink one....oh never mind
Again, just trying to help out...here she is.

I guess I was more involved in spanking bottoms than playing Mario games?
My favorite cartoon was Dudley Do-wright.. I wanted to be that damesel in distress tied to the train tracks.... i loved!! that part...

Some on here won't remember the cartoon it is an OLD one.. lol
silkee_A said:
My favorite cartoon was Dudley Do-wright.. I wanted to be that damesel in distress tied to the train tracks.... i loved!! that part...

Some on here won't remember the cartoon it is an OLD one.. lol
Now that one I remember. God, I'm old?:eek:
Dudley Do-Wright

I'm old too. I was into the whole damsel being tied up thing myself.
yeah, i do remember dudly do-right. of course, i saw it in reruns. nell being kidnapped always made me think naughty things! ^_^
Re: Dudley Do-Wright

Desdemona said:
I'm old too. I was into the whole damsel being tied up thing myself.

well that expalains it then. you became corrupted by a cartoon. i happened to like that cartoon as well.
Re: Re: Dudley Do-Wright

lorddragonwolf said:
well that expalains it then. you became corrupted by a cartoon. i happened to like that cartoon as well.

So, which character did you identify with? Snidely Whiplash or our hero, Dudley? *grins* Its pretty obvious that I liked to play Nell.

In fact, this website supports your theory about this cartoon being kinky. http://flyingmoose.org/moose/whiplash.htm
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When I was young, I would pretend that he-man was my boyfriend.

Kinda makes me want to get professional help now that i think about it.
lorddragonwolf said:
why of course the bad guy i have to tie young women up and just have hours of fun with them.

Good answer! :D It always pissed me off when Dudley came charging in and untied her.
well i am thinking of having to build a room onto our house. this room would have to be our "adult playroom" or as we really would call it our dungeon. ropes, chains, handcuffs, whips, ect. ect. would of course have to be standard. and they say cartoons are safe.