What would you recommend?

Re: <smile><chuckle>

Remec said:
I was wondering whether you'd notice that...after all the pointing out of the "as..." structure and all....hehehe

Shit Remec, I think we're in trouble now, I can feel her glare from here!:eek:
Re: Re: <smile><chuckle>

Shit Remec, I think we're in trouble now, I can feel her glare from here!:eek:

As if...

<timeout for small threadjack>

Run Forrest, run!!!


Doncha hate days when it seems yer mind and typin' fingers are out ta get ya in trouble?

<looking about>
Ya think I should run, eh?
I mean, I have her by both height and weight...or is she really as fierce as I've heard tell?

Re: <timeout for small threadjack>

Remec said:

Doncha hate days when it seems yer mind and typin' fingers are out ta get ya in trouble?

<looking about>
Ya think I should run, eh?
I mean, I have her by both height and weight...or is she really as fierce as I've heard tell?


I wanna say, that poking a badger with a pointy stick would be safer.
Re: <timeout for small threadjack>

Remec said:

Doncha hate days when it seems yer mind and typin' fingers are out ta get ya in trouble?

<looking about>
Ya think I should run, eh?
I mean, I have her by both height and weight...or is she really as fierce as I've heard tell?

I love those days and I wouldn't risk finding out, if I were you. :devil:
Re: <timeout for small threadjack>

Remec said:
Ya think I should run, eh?
I mean, I have her by both height and weight...or is she really as fierce as I've heard tell?

I meant to tell you after reading your soccer story: I'm not nearly as small and defenceless as you were led to believe. ;)
Re: Re: <timeout for small threadjack>

Lauren Hynde said:
I meant to tell you after reading your soccer story: I'm not nearly as small and defenceless as you were led to believe. ;)

That's because you used to be a man, right?
Re: Re: <timeout for small threadjack>

Lauren Hynde said:
I meant to tell you after reading your soccer story: I'm not nearly as small and defenceless as you were led to believe. ;)

I tried to give that impression of you, and have the lack of struggle be less a question of defenselessness and more one of surprise...and possibly attraction...<BG>
Re: Dear Jane

tungtied2u said:
If Dear Jane is the title....ok.

If it's part of the poem...it's confusing.. imho.

Otherwise, amazing.


Thank you, that makes me feel good now.:rose:
Thank you to all who helped me get this poem off and running.
Thank you to all who read it and left such wonderful words behind.
Thank you to all who helped me to challenge myself.
