What's for dinner?

pancakes and bacon because I'm tired of leftovers and didn't want to cook anything else.

Tomorrow, I am aiming for Potato Soup since the weather will go from 80 to 63. But, after writing that, I'm thinking of all the carbs two days in a row. Which rules out ham and pea soup, too. I'll be back tomorrow to let you know how it goes.

Buffalo Wing Soup? I use tapioca starch to thicken it.

Pizza! :nana:

Oh god. The turkey lives.... it came back as minced turkey lasagna..... I had a sausage with rice instead. BBQ sausage. Yum

Oh, I'm so sorry Chloe... but this made me laugh so hard!

Buffalo Wing Soup? I use tapioca starch to thicken it.


and THIS was a bit scary! The kids just asked what I wanted for dessert, and I told them chicken wings! You must have heard me!

That looks very good, and I think I'll be trying it!
I'll be cooking chicken noodle soup tonight, cellary, potatoes, carrots, egg noodles, onions, parsley, oregano, garlic, chilli peppers, lemon, seasoned chicken breast.
Salad, burgers on brioche buns, and sweet potato fries. :rolleyes: Time to cut back on the carbs until Christmas.
Seared salmon, spinach salad, slightly sauced spaghettini, and a slug of slivovitz (I wish!)
Chicken-pineapple sausage, baked potato, and V8 for the vegetable portion. We're lazy.
Dinner is homemade turkey soup with celery, carrot, peas, potatoes, and egg noodles. Bread ends from the loaves used for making turkey stuffing with with butter or peanut butter on the side.
Angel Hair Spaghetti with a homemade sauce filled with sausage, a garden salad, and garlic toast.

I'm told by my picky eater that "This spaghetti isn't good. It's AH-mazing." *beams*
We went totally English tonight, because it's been a really long week, and we were just too tired to get fancy-pantsy, so grilled Cumberland sausages, mashed potatoes with a grilled cheesy breadcrumb topping, frozen garden peas, and Onion gravy, and rice pudding with hot Damson jam poured over.

Tomorrow night is Lori's turn to cook dinner, and I've been promised Indonesian Laksa soup, Mee Goreng, pork Satay, and Ice Kachang for dessert, mainly because someone gave her a kakigori (ice-shaving machine) for her birthday and she just found it in among all the stuff we haven't unpacked yet, so she's dying to try it out (all dishes are favourites of hers, but I'll play along; as long as there's squid in there somewhere I'll be happy)
Salsa does not qualify as a vegetable. :kiss:
It did at lunch in town today. :cool:

This was yet another One Of Those Days with too much running around. Dinner was lazy because fatigued. Mix some of the salsa roja I made last night with avocado flesh, squeeze a lime, and call it guac. Toast some maize corn tortillas. Grate some low-fat cheddar. Slice some slivers off a CostCo roast chicken. Drag out the jalapeños y zanahorias en escabeche (brined peppers and carrots). Eat. Wash down with my partner's beer and my 'healthy' tea, arrgh.

Tomorrow we'll stay home and throw miscellaneous tidbits into the big electric crockpot. None of those tidbits will be moving at the time. We hate trying to prep or eat food that flees from us. No "dinner on the run," eh? And I'll whop up a big weird potato salad. Maybe Peruvian style, with llama bacon.