What's your favorite food? EdibleOrgy

My favorite stories--some 'ever', some 'icebreakers' when getting people together--are those: the classic setup turned into the story of things gone horribly (and to the outsider, comically) wrong! They are hilarious, largely due to all of us identifying through real life. I can recount (or should I recant? lol) many times when I have gone to a great deal of effort for a romantic or elaborate rendezvous, only to end the evening looking like I stepped out of an I Love Lucy episode, complete with bursting into tears.

I'm game if you are Annie :) You have always been a great inspiration here, both as rival and as a friend :kiss: (That was your face I just kissed....in case you were wondering, lol). Do you want to post them here or start another thread? I know EO and several of the others could be counted to join in ;)

The messy sex thread
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