What's your mood today?

Dying to dive!! My tongue needs to walk through wet folds of female regions until wetter.
Oops, I meant to hit the button once, but the desire is twice as bad as it was a minute ago.
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Periscope will go up as soon as I think of diving and dining on the vertical smile!!!! My thirst is never quenched nor my appetite satisfied. I feel famished now!! It has been a while since I feasted on that lovely portal.

If the periscope goes up, can it go up and down the peep hole?

Will all this diving result in up periscope?
I don't think I've ever met anyone here before who was as perpetually horny as I am.

Good on ya. And on the other side of that, my condolences. It's a hard knock life.

Bordering on pissed off but then I think why bother being unhappy over something that's someone elses problem and their big loss, so leaves 'pissed off' behind and yippeeee it's a great day with all my friends on here around

Surprisingly so. No real reason, except a sudden sensation that something has come unblocked.

so. w00t.
Satisfied. Job done. Heading out to see the sights and hear the sounds. Maybe find a pool to 'dive' in. Damn, this hunger and thirst is relentless.

my car is in the shop, the cats have destroyed the house, im over aynalizing every thing, i am exhausted and i cant find my chapstick!!!!!

when is friday getting here, i miss my tribe
The desire is strong, readiness ever-present, and many have been the implement intents since the frosty dawn. But when I tell those little fellas, 'okay, let's get to work' they yawn, they flop down in their cozy dark corners, and tell me to call them in another hour. Or two. Yet the desire is no less strong. Strange feeling.
Grumpy I have to go to a wine tasting tomorrow night and we have to guess from two discriptions what each one is. It's a good crowd and all that but they never chose any wines I like!
Busy busy busy sooooooooo much to do and tomorrow I am out to lunch at the club and I have to do the 'I am an English lady' thing!
Energetic and dirty, like I want to go out and do some raunchy dancing round a pole or something....;)
Energetic and dirty, like I want to go out and do some raunchy dancing round a pole or something....;)

Love to see the 'raunchy' pole dancing, but I am afraid I would get 'randy' and with no relief in sight it would not look good for the hole in the wall.
became 47. quit checking the hairline. Lawrence Welk on PBS actually begins to appeal. look less often in mirrors. on the other hand, depths are more giving.
Love to see the 'raunchy' pole dancing, but I am afraid I would get 'randy' and with no relief in sight it would not look good for the hole in the wall.

amused.....i needed the laugh, thank you. ;)
amused.....i needed the laugh, thank you. ;)
You are welcome, sassynyc. If I can be any further service, just let me know.
I see soooo many holes in the knoty pines in the neighborhood that I get excited when I walk the dog (I mean, walk a real dog) that I almost do not want to go.