What's your sign, baby?

I'm Gemini .. I'm not going to post all the details on info, but it was interesting to see just how accurate it was. Very cool.
Oh,.. and I'm pretty sure my hon is a Pisces, but don't remember for positive.

Sun Gemini 4.41
Moon Aries 28.28
Mercury Taurus 26.45 R
Venus Taurus 28.20
Mars Leo 5.15
Jupiter Taurus 14.16
Saturn Cancer 28.59
Uranus Scorpio 3.53 R
Neptune Sagittarius 12.49 R
Pluto Libra 9.06 R
Lilith Aries 22.59
Asc node Scorpio 12.36
AstroMart Internet version 2, (c) F. Burns 2002
Pixie Mischief said:
compatibility of me and bf.. havent read it yet...

142 Trine Moon - Venus

Positive aspect: They get on together very well, be it on the intellectual or the emotional level. They love to be together and appreciate each other's company.

-135 Square Moon - Uranus

Negative aspect: Not favorable for a union, very unstable and not lasting.

-103 Square Jupiter - Saturn

Negative aspect: Difficult relationship as a couple, the two being too different even to complement each other.

97 Trine Sun - Mars

Positive aspect: Pure sexual attraction will unite the couple. They will have an ideal partner. They will be energetic, full of life and can undertake things together on the professional level or travel together on adventurous, unpredictable journeys.

-89 Opposition Moon - Mars

Negative aspect: Passions that could well lead to conflicts, even violent ones not only verbal but also, unfortunately, sometimes physical.

-79 Opposition Sun - Jupiter

Negative aspect: While they get on well when they first meet, sharing the same ideas and tastes, with the years their ideas change and they do not develop in the same way. They will no longer understand each other and could split up because they no longer love each other, have nothing more in common.

-74 Square Mars - Pluto

Negative aspect: Sexual passion leading to destruction. It will be very difficult to pick oneself up after such a relationship. To be avoided at all costs, nothing agreeable can come of this union.

73 Trine Moon - Pluto

Positive aspect: An uncontrollable great passion which might be a nuisance, as it totally lacks thought or control. Jealousy, possessiveness, absolute need of the other's presence 24 hours out of 24 55 Trine Mercury - Neptune

Positive aspect: Good spiritual understanding.

45 Trine Saturn - Neptune

Positive aspect: Favorable union. Neptune brings dreams to Saturn, who lacks them, and Saturn brings common sense to Neptune, who is totally without it.


~sigh~ I call this lecture 110, about the labeling of aspects as positive and negative and how they relate to compatibility charts... ~sigh~

While some of the aspects you quote (I'm sure they are from a computer read-out, not from you personally BTW) are indeed challenging, (a word I prefer to negative) it is widely held that some challenging asepcts are necessary to long term survival in relationships, because they are in fact challenging. Nothing can get more boring than two people who are perfectly suited to each other and never have a disagreement or a difference of opinion or POV. Sooner or later the relarionship stagnates, and it is here, that challenging aspects can create the drive and the challenge to endure.

And while asepcts are interpreted individually, they are never 'taken alone'.. they are a facet of the individual or relationship..

Point in fact, the Jupiter square Saturn is a very limited interpretation and VERY misleading. (and the reason for my post actually, I hate for misleading statements to stand without a challenge)

Any Saturn aspect in a compatibility chart, while it can bring trials, it also is the planet you look to for longevity. Without cross aspects to Saturn, (even negative ones), there would be indications of the relationshipe being short lived.

Jupiter and Saturn particularly in square aspect... there would be a push and pull between Jupiter (freedom loving) and Saturn (endurance). the square aspect itself will create the atmosphere for those elelments to be worked out..


The Square aspect is a 90-degree angle between two planets and/or the luminaries (Sun and the Moon). The square is a stress producing aspect that is internalizing by nature, thus it draws the stress to the interior. The tensions and stress associated with the square aspect are foremost rooted from within. This aspect should be viewed and experienced as a dynamic aspect providing us with the drive and impetus to initiate change. Its frictional nature is best relieved through decisive action demanding direct struggle, aggressive effort, and greater energy expenditure.

Squares in general are crisis oriented, forcing us to act in an explicit manner that allows for purposeful turning points in consciousness. Planets involved in square aspects interact in a somewhat defensive manner and so do not easily synthesize. They seem to follow the path of most resistance. The planets tend to block and thwart each other’s basic intentions. But while the urges of the two planets resist smooth, peaceful integration, they are also prone to challenge each other’s right of expression. The friction that results gives this aspect a vital sense of push, manifesting as a heightened release of force. Usually one planet rejects the values of the other. This is typically the slower moving planet. The faster moving planet often feels boxed in by the slower moving planet until it has struggled to reorient itself. And at this phase, it must reorient its direction. Squares are quite uncompromising.

While this is stress producing (not just tensional), the square also provides us with the powerful thrust of concentrated energy needed to confront and overcome major obstacles that stifle our growth processes. Squares challenge us to act rather that continue to endure the pain and discomfort they generate, and they are prevalent in the natal charts of people whose lives are filled with crucial events. The acute sharpness of the 90-degree angle often tends to agitate the planets, pressuring them to suppress energies or express with forceful assertion. Thus, inhibition and over-drive are problematic here.

The Square is probably the most situational of all aspects in that it forces us to eventually confront conflicting circumstantial affairs that can only be satisfactorily resolved (or understood) though head-on, no-nonsense encounter. These pertinent issues demand our full and complete attention and can consume a considerable amount of the lifetime until resolved. This is particularly true if the square occurs in fixed signs and/or involves planets in their fall placements.

The square has been referred to as the stumbling blocks or building stones. Squares represent the momentum to develop further. Actually the Square teaches us how to become more selective with the way we express its principles, or else we pay the price for our ignorance. It enables us to deal with difficult situations without giving up, once we reorient ourselves to accepting challenging tasks at hand. By denying our ability to handle such challenges, we only evoke the frustrating, self-blocking aspects of the square. The square does not feel unpleasant unless the energy backs up on you. Tension can feel exhilarating as long as it flows in action and is not dammed up. It is only frustrating when you have no outlets to apply the tension to.

So, a square aspect involving the luninaries (Sun/Moon) or Saturn and any planet in the partner's chart will produce the push necessary for development and growth. Of course, this growth can be supressed, avoided and/or abandoned, but the elements exist in the chart(s) to enable much evolution and growth.

The phrase, 'no pain, no gain' comes to mind and in compatibility charts it is more the rule than the exception. Saturn is the planet of pain and endurance, it is a necesary evil (for lack of a better way of putting it)......

Just wanted to clear up that mis-conception...... especially concerning square aspects involving Saturn.

Please take computer read-outs with a grain of salt. There are positive and negative expressions/manifestations in all aspects of Astrology. It is the free will of the individual that determines how an element will manifest. Challenging aspects are inherently 'challenging' and that is true......... BUT without a challenge, without that 'push' we do not grow.

Nothing in Astrology is all good or all evil, it just isn't the way it works. How people utilize the energy present in a natal chart or a compatibility chart is their free choice.

~ Cait
I'm enjoying your input and knowledge on this thread, Cait. I know very little about astrology but find it a fun topic. While I have some Leo traits, I have never been a typical Leo, and the Moon in Capricorn and all those Virgo points in my basic computer-generated chart resonated as points of recognition. I bet a personal chart done by a knowledgable and talented astrologer would be very interesting indeed!
lark sparrow said:
I'm enjoying your input and knowledge on this thread, Cait. I know very little about astrology but find it a fun topic. While I have some Leo traits, I have never been a typical Leo, and the Moon in Capricorn and all those Virgo points in my basic computer-generated chart resonated as points of recognition. I bet a personal chart done by a knowledgable and talented astrologer would be very interesting indeed!

Thank you!

Basic computer generated reports are excellent for what they are.. And I urge everyone to begin with them because from those, questions arise, questions that can take the individual to interesting places. I only urge them to be taken with a grain of salt; in other words, not written in stone.

There are so many facets to take into consideration that it is next to impossible to program a computer to take them ALL into consideration.

That said, they are loads of fun and a good place to begin.. and oh so much fun to play around with. One of the BEST things about the computer reports, is that it allows even the novice to see how different each person can be within a Sun Sign.. In fact a natal chart is as individual as a fingerprint, and it is an amazing adventure to take a look at a new chart. (Being an Aries, I do love an adventure!)

The first time I had a professional Astrologer look at my chart, he shook his head and said.. "You have my sympathies", so even a self-proclaimed professional can see things in black and white.

Truth be told, since it is an interpretative art, it is only as good as the person making the interpretation and the honesty of the person whose chart is being interpreted. If those two things come together, a chart intrepretation can be as intense as any other form of intimacy.

~ Cait
no worrries didnt take it 100% as it is lol
nothing is 100% as it is in life.
well only one thing is lol
and I got it off the site lark posted.
I dont beleve it is totally accurate because it only asks birthday.
it dont ask the times and stuff for compatibility.
I think its just mostly general.

Caitlynne said:
~sigh~ I call this lecture 110, about the labeling of aspects as positive and negative and how they relate to compatibility charts... ~sigh~

Pixie Mischief said:
no worrries didnt take it 100% as it is lol
nothing is 100% as it is in life.
well only one thing is lol
and I got it off the site lark posted.
I dont beleve it is totally accurate because it only asks birthday.
it dont ask the times and stuff for compatibility.
I think its just mostly general.

Yes, they'd ask for the time of birth and place of birth if it were to be anything more than the most basic and generalized of interpretations.

And cool! I just wantd to make sure it wasn't taken for more than it was......

Have fun with it! :D

~ Cait
Let's see...

I am a Virgo, down to the last detail.

My chinese sign is Dragon, and my element is Fire, intensifying
all the traits of the Dragon further yet.

And I am submissive. ;) Believe it or not.

My honey is a Scorpio, and a Horse, under the Zodiac. I believe
his element is Wood, but I'm not positive.
Last edited:
Zaudika said:
I'm Gemini .. I'm not going to post all the details on info, but it was interesting to see just how accurate it was. Very cool.
Oh,.. and I'm pretty sure my hon is a Pisces, but don't remember for positive.

I am also a Gemini...sub. Sir is a Pisces.

I am a Goat/Sheep and He is a Rabbit
One thing that I have read about Geminis and I am not sure if it is true or not. Is that they are more likely then any other sign to be bi.

Also, seems to me...that there should be more S/switches that are Gemini then any other sign...since we are suppose to have the dual personanities.

Curious if these thoughts could be true.
maybe that explains my bf lol
I know he has gemini somewhere in his chart.
he told me.
but I forget.
Geminis are know for being "two faced"
will say one thing do another.
they also get bored really easy.

many of the men I've been attracted.. well almost all.
have been Geminis.. LOL

yuppietowngirl said:
One thing that I have read about Geminis and I am not sure if it is true or not. Is that they are more likely then any other sign to be bi.

Also, seems to me...that there should be more S/switches that are Gemini then any other sign...since we are suppose to have the dual personanities.

Curious if these thoughts could be true.
rosco rathbone said:
I was in an extremely hot, hyper-chemical realtionship with this sun-sign pairing. It ended in a lot of tears; but it was magical while it lasted.

well that dosn'et sound good ;\
Hum, Gemini's... An interesting sign and one of the most misunderstood signs..

There are three so-called 'dual' signs, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. These three signs have the ability to adapt quite easily to changing situations. The Mutable qualities of these signs can make them appear to be 'fickle' and 'indecisive', when compared the more rigid Fixed signs and the more animated and forceful Cardinal signs.

However, just because these signs show a marked degree of changability, does not mean they are necessarily indecisive. What it means is these signs can easily 'put themsleves in another's shoes'. This is a rare talent and if understood and aligned with the intellectual qualities of the sign of Gemini produce a remarkable stragetist.

Of course in the negative, it can produce indecisivness, but generally speaking this can be stabilized with maturity.

As for whether the sign of Gemini is more prone to bi-sexuality, well, you'd think so wouldn't you..... but it isn't, at least not by Sun Sign placement.

Sexual orientation and behavior is signified by the planets Venus and Mars in a chart. Venus is what we desire, and Mars is how we go about getting it. Bi-sexuality (and I don't believe there is any generally held belief that a particular planetary alignment produces this 100% of the time)...... but self-reported cases of bi-sexuality have been noted in my own research when Venus was placed in Gemini.. but in those cases there were also other heavy factors and house placements to consider. So I won't say that each and every person with a Venus in Gemini is bi-sexual. It just doens't work that way in Astrology.

~ Cait
Re: Re: born the year of the ox

Pixie Mischief said:
*thinks someone has a large temper...*

Mars in Taurus is too dignified or perhaps too lazy to cause
a scene

venus in sagg too laid back

moon in scorpios are poker faced
hard to tell what is going on underneath the surface

i never forget

Leo rising flair for drama
if i think that you are worth the effort of revenge
you will get it when you least expect it
and it will be a production but well worth it!

200 of your closest friends will enjoy it as i quickly
execute what was once your EGO
Re: Re: Re: born the year of the ox

*chuckles badly* YEP YEP YEP!!
Taurus for ya LOL
BF is lazy by choice he says LOL
its his sunsign
his moon is in cancer.

kissinggurl said:
Mars in Taurus is too dignified or perhaps too lazy to cause
a scene

venus in sagg too laid back

moon in scorpios are poker faced
hard to tell what is going on underneath the surface

i never forget

Leo rising flair for drama
if i think that you are worth the effort of revenge
you will get it when you least expect it
and it will be a production but well worth it!

200 of your closest friends will enjoy it as i quickly
execute what was once your EGO
sunfox said:
Let's see...

I am a Virgo, down to the last detail.

My chinese sign is Dragon, and my element is Fire, intensifying
all the traits of the Dragon further yet.

And I am submissive. ;) Believe it or not.

My honey is a Scorpio, and a Horse, under the Zodiac. I believe
his element is Wood, but I'm not positive.

Virgos love to please and help
nursing is ruled by Virgo
of course you would feel comfortable being submissive
this is how Virgo's show love!
Pixie Mischief said:
someone with a scorpio Ascendant ..
what does that say about them?

there is something powerful with the eyes
people will either love them
or fear them
thats bf for ya LOL
I love him but he can be... intimidating.
I'm scorpio/saggie..
depending on the chart. I'm a scorpio.. and others saggitarius...

His moon is cancer..... shouldnt that mean hes sentimental?

kissinggurl said:
there is something powerful with the eyes
people will either love them
or fear them
Pixie Mischief said:
thats bf for ya LOL
I love him but he can be... intimidating.
I'm scorpio/saggie..
depending on the chart. I'm a scorpio.. and others saggitarius...

His moon is cancer..... shouldnt that mean hes sentimental?

the moon in cancer is excellent
it makes you empathic or psychic
timing is good
right place at the right time

they always get to the dinner party right when the food is being served etc...

but may have a tendency to put on weight
hes.. over weight LOL been on a diet.. he was up to 270 lbs :|

but yes.. its funny he and I always go and say what the other will say.
its freaky sometimes.. he also knows stuff I dont even say.

kissinggurl said:
the moon in cancer is excellent
it makes you empathic or psychic
timing is good
right place at the right time

they always get to the dinner party right when the food is being served etc...

but may have a tendency to put on weight
Re: kissinggurl

You're exactly right.. I love pleasing him.
I'm very take charge outside of sexual
matters, but if it weren't for the fact that
he likes not having to worry about mundane
details, I'd cheerfully give up that as well. :D

I'm very detail oriented, and he is not, so
it makes sense that I make certain things
are kept up to date, bought when we need
them, etc.

Dragons can be somewhat self-absorbed, a
trait I do indeed have in spades. But I've taken
him into my self-adoration, and very much think
of him as part of me, and vice versa.
Re: Re: kissinggurl

sunfox said:
You're exactly right.. I love pleasing him.
I'm very take charge outside of sexual
matters, but if it weren't for the fact that
he likes not having to worry about mundane
details, I'd cheerfully give up that as well. :D

I'm very detail oriented, and he is not, so
it makes sense that I make certain things
are kept up to date, bought when we need
them, etc.

Dragons can be somewhat self-absorbed, a
trait I do indeed have in spades. But I've taken
him into my self-adoration, and very much think
of him as part of me, and vice versa.

sounds like you have a wonderful relationship.
Re: kissinggurl

kissinggurl said:
sounds like you have a wonderful relationship.

The very best.. and I wish for the same happiness
for all here.

:kiss: :rose:
Trainerman said:
I do not know about this stuff in the depth that you obviously do.

seeing as you asked....I am Taurus
My Kym is Pisces


Yes Sir and to take that one step farther.................
You were born in the year of the Monkey and I was born a Rat. Both compatable by what I've read. :kiss:

-kym- His :heart: