When seeking a partner through ads, what gets your attention or ensures you pass by?

Re: What is interesting (and funny)

Ebonyfire said:
is that folks see what they want to see.

when I used to post an ad, I used to put that married men need not apply and it never fails, I get a few married men trying to convince me that they are somehow different. As if the term "married" does not really mean anything.

So, likewise I see what I only want to see...the delete button.

Makes perfect sense...though i posted a lit ad...and quite frankly the responses I get are nothing like what i requested...i am interested in talk..erotic and non...not meeting....but do people read that part or what?? nope i don't think so. which leaves me to wonder, are the people responding to me only getting the gist or are the reading the whole damn thing?
Re: Re: What is interesting (and funny)

apet4you said:
Makes perfect sense...though i posted a lit ad...and quite frankly the responses I get are nothing like what i requested...i am interested in talk..erotic and non...not meeting....but do people read that part or what?? nope i don't think so. which leaves me to wonder, are the people responding to me only getting the gist or are the reading the whole damn thing?

What is the link to your add
Re: Re: What is interesting (and funny)

apet4you said:
Makes perfect sense...though i posted a lit ad...and quite frankly the responses I get are nothing like what i requested...i am interested in talk..erotic and non...not meeting....but do people read that part or what?? nope i don't think so. which leaves me to wonder, are the people responding to me only getting the gist or are the reading the whole damn thing?

I think they are operating under the assumption that no does not mean no. And that somehow they will be able to convince you to do as they want, and not as you want.

It ain't gonna happen.
My last 2 LTRs came to me via the net, and I'm still married to the last one (who found me on Yahoo!).

Some points about what worked (based on feedback from 7 contacts):

1. They found me. They all had ads posted, but only one ever traded more than a couple of e-mails with a person answering her ad.

2. The single most important link in my ad was a link to my home page.

It had lots of personal information, including pictures of my family. I also have a page of "wit and wisdom" that always draws remarks. It's very good for showing how I address life and my sense of humor. My professional resume is also on there too.

3. I gave specifics about location, physical size and shape, age, marital status, smoking, drinking, drugs.

4. I didn't ask for many specific attributes in the responder. I figured that they would do the initial editing, comparing themselves to what I said about myself. The most specific was to be able to go without the radio or TV on unless actively watching a video or one or two favorite shows.

5. I did ask for some generalities such as having a variety of life experiences, intelligence and education. I asked that they had attended college (though I didn't call for a degree). And I ask for the (apparent) contradiction of maturity and spontaneity.

6. I promised truthful answers to all questions, promised to accept people were there are as they are.
Also, in following up, I did some things that seemed to help a lot.

1. I offered verifiable personal details, giving more as we corresponded. As things went on, I told about my friends and offered to set up introductions. I went to lunch often with a group of co-workers; one girl joined us just to meet them.

2. I got out of cyberspace. I said that e-mail and IM were tools like the telephone, for use when face-to-face contact wasn't practical. I gave her my phone number and offered to call her if she gave me hers. (We still used IM and e-mails as appropiate, like while we were at our employers or to leave messages.)

3. I gave some links on safe meetings, and safe sex and general education as needed. This helped increase their comfort level with taking another step.

4. I didn't push for a meeting, and was generally invited to meet for a drink before two weeks were past. One, whom I dated a couple of months,set up the first meeting for a singles night at her church.

5. I was polite. I was honest when things didn't seem to be going anywhere and said so instead of dragging things along.
Last edited:
No wonder you got such gr8 responses

ReadyOne said:
Also, in following up, I did some things that seemed to help a lot.

1. I offered verifiable personal details, giving more as we corresponded. As things went on, I told about my friends and offered to set up introductions. I went to lunch often with a group of co-workers; one girl joined us just to meet them.

2. I got out of cyberspace. I said that e-mail and IM were tools like the telephone, for use when face-to-face contact wasn't practical. I gave her my phone number and offered to call her if she gave me hers. (We still used IM and e-mails as appropiate, like while we were at our employers or to leave messages.)

3. I gave some links on safe meetings, and safe sex and general education as needed. This helped increase their comfort level with taking another step.

4. I didn't push for a meeting, and was generally invited to meet for a drink before two weeks were past. One, whom I dated a couple of months,set up the first meeting for a singles night at her church.

5. I was polite. I was honest when things didn't seem to be going anywhere and said so instead of dragging things along.

I must say you went about it in just the right way...you received exactly what you required...thanks for all the helpful hints....:kiss:
Re: What is interesting (and funny)

Ebonyfire said:
I think they are operating under the assumption that no does not mean no. And that somehow they will be able to convince you to do as they want, and not as you want.

It ain't gonna happen.

That must be it eb...as i can't think what else it could be...I do have a question...cna someone show me how to add my link to
my ad? I have no idea and quite a few people have asked for it..Thanks...
Re: Re: What is interesting (and funny)

apet4you said:
That must be it eb...as i can't think what else it could be...I do have a question...cna someone show me how to add my link to
my ad? I have no idea and quite a few people have asked for it..Thanks...

I am sure one of the folks here can help you with that. Are you posting a personal at Lit?
pet's ad....

Ebonyfire said:
I am sure one of the folks here can help you with that. Are you posting a personal at Lit?
yes...i am ms. eb and i have had quite a few hits. But i have no idea how to put it in my signature area or even how to add it to a post...so if anyone here could give me a clue...I would be forever grateful...mayhap sir Richard would know???
Re: pet's ad....

apet4you said:
yes...i am ms. eb and i have had quite a few hits. But i have no idea how to put it in my signature area or even how to add it to a post...so if anyone here could give me a clue...I would be forever grateful...mayhap sir Richard would know???

I am computer brain dead
(Actually brain dead about most things)

I would go to the how to board
Re: Re: pet's ad....

Richard49 said:
I am computer brain dead
(Actually brain dead about most things)

I would go to the how to board

Thank you kind sir: I will do just that.... :kiss: :rose: