When Trump is POTUS, will Ukraine still get enough American military aid?

You know Trump worships Putin!
trump certainly admires Putin with googly eyes, as well as other authoritarian strongmen, but he worships his access to Russian money and probably still lusts after a trump tower in Red Square.
My worry is that Trump would never do anything to make Putin unhappy.

And he might have an irrational grudge against Zelenskyy, after getting impeached over a phone call with him.
You're an idiot. We have zero business or national security interests in Ukraine. Joe did and that's why we're there. Ukraine is finished and has been for some time. Let Europe handle European problems. Let Europeans defend themselves. The government's primary duty is to the American people who have been put into debtors prison for the benefit of everyone else on earth.
You're an idiot. We have zero business or national security interests in Ukraine. Joe did and that's why we're there. Ukraine is finished and has been for some time. Let Europe handle European problems. Let Europeans defend themselves. The government's primary duty is to the American people who have been put into debtors prison for the benefit of everyone else on earth.
God. You’re dumb as fuk.
I’d say delete this but your ignorance on foreign policy deserves the spotlight.
You're an idiot. We have zero business or national security interests in Ukraine. Joe did and that's why we're there. Ukraine is finished and has been for some time. Let Europe handle European problems. Let Europeans defend themselves. The government's primary duty is to the American people who have been put into debtors prison for the benefit of everyone else on earth.
I think it’s safe to assume you don’t know American history.

With that said, when Europeans defend Europeans how much do you think the military budget will decrease so that Americans are no longer in debt.
You're an idiot. We have zero business or national security interests in Ukraine. Joe did and that's why we're there. Ukraine is finished and has been for some time. Let Europe handle European problems. Let Europeans defend themselves. The government's primary duty is to the American people who have been put into debtors prison for the benefit of everyone else on earth.
I dunno, they got some minerals that can be tapped to pay back some loans and gratitude whatnot.

Also, seems like a lot of republicans have backed away from supporting Ukraine, not because of a real change in belief, but because of trumpnosing ©
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Ukraine itself does not matter much, except as a means of impoverishing Russia and ensuring she never becomes a great power again. There are significant benefits in supplying sufficient arms to Ukraine to prolong the conflict; winning is unimportant, prolongation is the best result for US interests. There is no benefit in direct involvement.

Meanwhile the USA has taken a significant part of the European gas market from Russia, and American farmers have captured much of Ukraine's export wheat market. The Europeans have increased their defence expenditures and Ukraine is an economic means of disposing of out of date military materiel for the USA.

Russian egress to ice free water is now controlled by Turkey in the South, and Scandinavia in the North. The USA needs to encourage China to re-establish her historic frontiers in the Amur basin (Far Eastern Siberia) thus distracting her from Taiwan.

Biden has left Trump with a pretty decent hand to play, perhaps by accident rather than design, but the most important objective is to let the conflict continue and these countries economies and political systems slowly collapse in ruin. Other people's wars can be good investments.
Biden has left Trump with a pretty decent hand to play, perhaps by accident rather than design, but the most important objective is to let the conflict continue and these countries economies and political systems slowly collapse in ruin. Other people's wars can be good investments.
President Joe Biden has basically "Trump-proofed" The Ukrainian-Polish border on the western side of Ukraine.

When Putin invaded Ukraine, the United States as a member of NATO set up a state-of-the-art Air Defense Artillery (ADA) system on the eastern edge of fellow NATO member Poland. Russian bombers cannot easily conduct a bombing run over Ukranian positions, the American technology is too formidable to overcome. Russia is generally limited now to ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drone attacks on Ukraine....and the ADA is pretty good at knocking down ballistic and cruise missiles.

When the elderly dotard was elected last November, the Biden administration began "Trump=proofing" the ADA system that had been installed. Trump wants to appease Putin by any means necessary, so it was widely believed he would pull out the ADA network and fuck up the supply infrastructure.

Stage 1: To get around anticipated Trump meddling, the United States gifted the country of Poland with the ADA, and formally relinquished command of the ADA system to NATO, effectively placing the system outside of the operational control of the incoming president. They also gifted NATO an estimated 5 to 10 year supply of repair parts for the ADA, which should exceed the "shelf life" of the incoming president.

Stage 2: Without being able to command the ADA, the convicted felon Trump was expected to sabotage (intentionally or unintentionally) the repair and logistics infrastructure to the ADA. The Biden administration has curtailed ALL US involvement in the supply chain, and now Ukraine manufactures artillery shells for the ADA using American military specifications. The United States is now completely out of the Polish supply chain, again beyond the reach of the short-fingered vulgarian. Ukraine, Romania, the UK and Poland now comprise the military supply chain.

Stage 3: As recently as 2001, Poland's air force was the laughingstock of Europe, primarily old Soviet (not Russian...Soviet-era) Mig fighters and bombers. They began a decade-long huge Air Force upgrade, centered around the American F-16 jet. They wanted a mix of bombers and air-to-air fighters. The Biden administration made the Polish government an offer they could not refuse: fuggedabout the bombers, if you go to an Air Force that is 100% focused on air-to-air combat, we'll sell you the F-16 fighter with the state-of-the-art Viper air combat system. Viper has super radar avionics and a lethal air-to-air missile package, featuring pilot guided-by-radar missiles to annihilate enemy fighters. Poland now is the proud owner of the most lethal air combat system in central Europe. Almost 50 F-16s.

When the dotard was elected, Russian air force fighters "accidently" drifted into Polish airspace in November, widely seen as a probing attempt to ascertain any weaknesses surrounding the NATO ADA. They evidently expected to be "painted" by the ground radar units, what they did NOT anticipate was getting "missile locked" virtually immediately by the scrambled Polish F-16s. Russia now knows that they cannot win an air-combat battle over Poland (and presumably the western half of Ukraine as well).

This, folks, is how America leads. Russian appeaser quislings like Rightguide insist Ukraine has no chance to win, but now it's being shown that the United States took the lead in getting the NATO/Ukraine coalition aerial superiority over Russian fighters in Europe.

...and it's worth pointing out that not a single American life has been lost while the Russian ground forces are in a meat-grinding war of attrition.

The bottom line is that president Trump will have to look elsewhere for a situation he can ply his usual fuckery and poor leadership.
Poor Comrade RightGuide. He’s depressed because Putin’s invasion of Ukraine continues to be a failure.
Biden has been a now quite complete fucking disaster for Ukraine. Even the Ukrainians are now being open about it.

Trump at least sees reality and deals with it. He practices realpolitik. US will continue to support Ukraine under Trump, bit practically, and without the Democrat grift and outright theft, as well as without all the bullshit.

Totally Fact-Free Chloe strikes again!

Are you the female alt of Chad? You’re both Totally Fact-Free.
LOL. You have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to Ukraine. You blather fallacious Democrat talking points non-stop.

I rarely comment about Ukraine, and when I do it’s just to point out Putin is a jackass, which is an obvious truth.

Provide examples of me blathering “fallacious Democrat talking points non-stop”, Totally Fact-Free Chloe. 😄
If Americans were smart, they wouldn't send another penny to fund foreign wars.

Ever notice the government claims to have funding problems for everything else, but when it comes to war and bombs, money is never an issue. That, and when they vote in their own raises.
Hopefully, the Biden admin stockpiled our allies with enough arms to keep Ukraine going
The big issue us, Putin is decidedly NOT a jackass
No need. All over the Ukraine threads
Your commentary on the Ukraine war is both useful in part and at the same time completely silly. Your comments on the day to day conduct of the war are informative and useful in describing the 'on the ground' experience of the combatants. Your constant bleating and whining that Biden is to blame for everything under the sun is pointless and inaccurate. Biden/Blinken put together a complex set of alliances which could have been quicker but have been remarkably successful. Scandinavia is no longer neutral, supports the US position. The Poles, Brits, Baltic States and Finns + others are pulling their weight, the Germans have slow walked and the French are full of good advice. The Turks are not being obstructive at all and clearly boss Russian access to warm water.

There is more strategic and political sense in the two posts by Rob down South and Ishtat in this thread than in all the other posts put together. They both recognize that US National Interests are eternal and never vary in line with the vagaries of Domestic politics. RDS may be a tad optimistic and Ishtat is too cynical, but both recognize the strategic importance of crushing Russia thoroughly - and not just on the battlefield.

But do not fret too much. In 2 days time your man will be in charge and enjoy being accountable for US interests. You can also at least console yourself that Poliwhatsit is even more off target than you are. His simplistic and un-evidenced view that Putin owns Trump is dead wrong. And why on earth he felt the need to start a new thread when there was a perfectly serviceable one in place baffles me.

But keep up your battlefield commentary, that's good stuff.