Where are the New England Peeps?


Someday, Tom Brady will look like the guy at the beginning of Saving Private Ryan.

I better shut the TV off before Gronkowski is allowed to speak. Great football player, dumb as a bag of rocks. 😳
Now back to Patriot talk….at least 5 OC’s have been hired this week, yet the Patriots don’t seem to be worried. Does this mean they’re trying to bring Josh McDaniels back in the fold?
Now back to Patriot talk….at least 5 OC’s have been hired this week, yet the Patriots don’t seem to be worried. Does this mean they’re trying to bring Josh McDaniels back in the fold?
That would mean a Mac Jones revival. If they are not drafting a top QB or trading for a decent veteran we will be in the same spot next year.
Spring? wouldn't know it by this weather... but, that's how it goes around here, even with global warming... still gonna be weird in March.
I like cool, cloudy weather, but this has been a crazy amount of rain over the past couple of weeks.