Where are the New England Peeps?

So done with this season.... Happy to see Baseball Ops vacant. Be interesting to see if henry spends some money now, or just uses this franchise as a slot in his portfolio and only seek to max out net revenues for himself at the expense of fans.
Heading to NH and Mass to visit relatives in mid Oct, it has been along time since I've been back originally from Mass.
and it appears we've all gone into hibernation early? I'm blaming this killer cold/flu/plague that I've been dying of for the past week... what's everyone else doing this Hump day?
So hard to pull yourself out.

Most of my in-laws were never able to. I had to drag my wife over the border, and still she insists on going back every month or so.
I swear, you'd think you'd need a passport to get out of the state, the way native Rhode Islanders can't be bothered to cross the border. Lol