Where do YOU get your ideas for a story?

Diane Marie........

Couldn't agree with you more. Which is one of the reasons I've never written a totally "gay" male story. I've written a few that have occasionally touched on gay experiences between specific characters, but I've not tried to broach the emotional feelings that such an indepth story would require.

Which again is one of the reasons I feel that most men seriously cannot write a lesbian type story from the same viewpoint without having received the kind of help needed to do so.

Again...research, input from those who 'do' know is the only way any writer can even attempt to put together a story based on areas that he/she personally may know absolutely nothing about.

I remain,
My inspirations

I tend to have a very overworked imagination in all catagories, however what seems most entertaining is when I let it be applied to erotic stories. My personal favorite source though is a female friend I've used as a template for a character in a series of ongoing yet unpublished erotic adventures. It just seems no matter where she goes, what she does or whomever she is with, things turn out sweaty and exaustive for all involved. Sometimes the best sources of inspiration are close at hand, shameless pun fully intended.
start with a sex scene

I usually start with a sex scene, meander for about 20,000 words then settle on the story.

My personal favourite of my stories is called College Days. I think I start off with about five different story plots, including one set in Roman Britain, before deciding on where I wanted the story to go. The ending was a mistake as I fell out with a female friend because I included a conversation about rape, incest and abuse.

My latest story has a title (Rubies are Red) and a sex scene. I'll see where they take me. In case I get stuck on it I have a part completed hallowen story (the year before lasts entry) and a Sci-Fi epic (Escape and Evasion) I can work on. And a few poems.

Failing all else. I could do some work.
Story Subject Matter

I have just submitted my first story to Literotica...Pending approval, of course. This story, called "Sweet surrender" in the Gay Male section, was based on a true experience that had happened to me not long ago. I believe, as do many authors, that personal experience is the strongest catalyst towards inspiring passionate (whether sexual or other) FIction. That is not to say that one can only write about that which he or she has experienced. Rather, I mean that irregardless of what the plot of a story is, the authors experiences must be injected into the style, mood and emotion of the characters.
To Thesandman: We get our inspiration solely from you! Where do you think A Special Birthday Surprise came from?

My stories are based on fantasy encounters with interesting people I know or have known. Though fictional, the stories still have to have some plausibility, a chance they really could happen. I try very hard not to pedestalize my characters, to make them unrealistically perfect. I rarely go to great lengths to describe the sexually appealing physical traits of my characters, because when it comes right down to it, big this's or that's aren't what make us sexually attractive to each other. Sexual appeal is far deeper that the way our cells are arranged. My cells seem to be going south now...
Story Ideas

Hey Sandman! Loved the Magic Panties story... Good job!

My stories are usually built on one particular scene or image I have in my head. I start out with that thought, it could be the ending, the beginning or just some scene in the middle, and then try to build a story that leads me there. I usually never end up getting there which, I guess is why I have a tendency to do two part stories. Still don't get there but what I lack in substance I make up for in persistence. I also get lots of ideas from the stories I read. They'll make me think of a particular scene, perhaps from my past, perhaps from someone else's past that I heard, that will spark an idea or an image. I've always thought in images for some reason and writing is trying to share that image with others. Does this make any sense to you? Have a great one!


Where do the stories come from?

I've finished a couple of erotic stories and begun, at least ten others. My first story was inspired by surfing the net and finding a picture that blew my mind. Then, of course, I had been a avid reader of Penthouse forum, that helped. It's kind of quaint in retrospect now, isn't it? Girls that I dated were a very heavy influence. Oh yeah, my first physical relationship really loved sex and could cum many times over, that was a pretty good start.
Finally, the incredible women who pose for pictures all over the internet have really inspired me. It seems that when I've got some good wood going I can write a couple of hot pages before I blow or life calls me to do something substantive.

Lastly, erotica seems to conclude quickly, I mean nearly every story goes something like this, person(s) get excited and cum. Repeat for desired effect. Details make them better or worse. The only stories that are shorter, are those I tell my kids at night. My kids are excellent critics, because they don't care if if rip off someone else's story or awkwardly structure a sentence. They just want some action (killing monsters or stopping bad guys) and a great resolution that ends with them celebrating with pizza, soda, and icecream or cookies. Wait a minute... that describes me too
Thanks for the plug Just John......

The thing about "Magic Panties" was I really got to let my imagination hair out so to speak.

I've already received feedback emails asking me if such a thing actually exists......which is always a sign that someone out there always believes everything they read for one thing. But for another...shows that I've at least written a worthwhile story that has tickled everyone's fantasy imagination bone.

Anyway......glad you enjoyed it. I had a LOT of fun writing this one!

I remain,