Where do you masturbate other than bedroom?

Where do u????????

I have in the bath, shower, in the back seat of a car with my b/f and his friend in the front(they never knew). In the living room laying on the floor or couch, lol lots of places..............

restaurant rest room... Dressing room at a store... my back deck... my back yard... My livingroom.... dressing room at the pool... On the beach... on a walking path in the woods near town... Along side the interstate... in the shower... in my best friends bathroom
Staying at a hotel, I went to the second floor meeting room area at night and found a quiet corner. Was reading a bunch of stuff on Lit and getting really randy. Started masturbating and losing myself online. After a while, a housekeeping lady turned the corner and must have seen me before I saw her because she walked past me with a smile. An hour or so into it, I couldn't stand it any more and walked into the bathroom and exploded into the sink.
Bedroom''s the only place - I have my toys and favorite smut there.

Sometimes on the road in a hotel I'll bring up YouPorn on my lappie and have a go.
Early the other morning, the sun was just coming up, people were going to their cars for the drive into the city....I was naked, on the deck overlooking the parking lot seated in a chair with my feet on the railing, legs spread and fingers busy teasing my clit. If anyone saw me, they said nothing. If no one saw me, I am disappointed.
How sweet to have been a neighbor and seen your sweet feet! (and maybe more). There's just something so special about being outside and having an orgasm - with or without someone else.

Thanks Sweetie!

Auntie M
I was hoping someone saw more than my feet. That's one of the reasons Aunt Claire calls me her little slut in training.

An orgasm out doors is great. A while back we had an all girl day in the Catskill Mountains. We were a tribe of naked nymphs cavorting in the woods. It was the sort of day one wishes would never end. Before Daddy and I came east, we lived in a very remote area which enabled me to be one with nature, naked whenever the weather allowed and of course, masturbating.
Hey BabeXGirl;

Great post..... I sure hope that someone sees you the next time. Who know that person my become some one special;).

I have had a pleasant experience in the middle of a crowd at a concert, but i was very drunk at the time.
This a mixed list of both of us responding;

on the couch, on the living room floor, in the shower, on the toilet, on the bathroom sink, on the sales floor at work, in the bathroom at work, at the diner under the table, porn theater video booths, at a friends house, basement stairs, at school, the movies

on a bus, in a plane, on the train, in the rain
we touch ourselves here and there
we'll touch ourselves anywhere.

please no green eggs and ham. we're vegatarians (we'll have the eggs, we just think they would be gross green)
There were three of us on the deck overlooking the parking lot watching the rain coming down in sheets. Brie was seated on my left; Max on my right. We were naked. Our legs were open; our feet up on the rail. "The rain makes me horny," Brie said. "Me too," Max and I spoke at the same time. Without speaking another word, the three of us reach between our legs. I had to fingers in my pussy and my thumb on my clit. A glance to the left, then the right assured me the other girls were masturbating in the same way.
I have had a pleasant experience in the middle of a crowd at a concert, but i was very drunk at the time.

HAHAHA that reminds me, I went to a concert a few years back. I'm not into that kind of music at all (I went cuz all my friends were going), it was some dance music (the main attraction there was Lady Gaga *barf*). We were walking through the crowd and this dude was completely fucking his girlfriend (or perhaps some total stranger he had just met). He had her pinned against the stage, her legs around him and his pants were down.

He had probably consumed a shit load of Ecs or was just completely gone off the 'cid. Either way, my friends and I all had a good laugh at his discretion.
On my couch seems to be a popular spot and in the shower, not standing up but lying down.
computer room, bath room (shower) tv room, car, outside (backyard/tree fort - years ago), garage...

Computer room and bed room are my two most common right now
Anywhere, as long as I don't get arrested. Yesterday it was in my car during a lunch break with my Master on the phone.

Breaks up the day nicely.
Where DON'T I masturbate, other than the bedroom?

Lately, it's been anywhere that I've had a chance to be when talking to my..um. whatever his is. The dark half of my fantasies. That's a good name for him.