Where do you masturbate other than bedroom?

Anywhere I can get away with it!

Conference room, desk, bathroom, storage locker, kitchen, desk, car, motorcycle, did I mention desk...

Hubby works nights and does his best to get me wound up when he is not around to make me suffer some...
Bathroom, living room, outdoors, classroom after school, public toilet. (I was 15 at that time.)
I am thinking of starting a thread entitled "Who/what do you think of when you masturbate?" So, anyone care to reply to the question, Who/what do you think of when you masturbate?
Car, bed, bathroom, living room anywhere where no one is around and I've got privacy.
I am thinking of starting a thread entitled "Who/what do you think of when you masturbate?" So, anyone care to reply to the question, Who/what do you think of when you masturbate?

I think of Chuck Norris kicking the shit out of Justin Bieber with numchucks! Then, once that's put my mind at ease, I usually think of someone I know (usually someone I see at work) and think of that person. Otherwise, if I wanna' be a little more intimate, I think of the girl of my dreams.

That's usually the best fantasies :).

And to reply to the actual thread: In the woods behind my cottage and in the lake. I know, I'm digusting... DON'T LOOK AT ME!!!!! I'M HIDEOUS!!!!!!!!!!
In the bathroom stall at work, in the car, at the park, at the beach, on airplanes @ my seat, living room, bathroom, shower, guest room at home, basement, while stuck in traffic on the highway, and I'm sure there are more places.
In the shower, on my living room sofa, or on the floor, at work occasionally, a few times in the girls bathroom when i was at college
at my desk in my office (while alone). in hotel rooms.... always when I go into a hotel room, I strip naked and pleasure myself, and then stay naked until I have to leave the room...

I am renting this place at the moment but I will be moving out soon.

I have made a point of masturbating in every room in the place just to 'make my mark' LOL

In summer I have spent my seed out in the back yard too.

Hey - plants need loving too

Externally. well here goes .....

I dunno if anyone else has ever had the chance to openly flop out the love muscle and give it some excercise while at work but I have, here is how.

I work in a government office and am on call in case the security alarm goes off. That means I have the keys to the building and have the ability to enter the building at any time.

There was a time in my marriage where things were really tough and I would go out at night and just drive or find something/somewhere else to exist. It was a dark place.

On more than few times I found myself at work cos it was a familiar place where it was warm, private and comfortable.

I used to snoop around my fellow workers desks, checking out what they had hidden in their drawers etc. Of course I checked out the female toilets and change rooms. I used to love going into the womens toilet and leaving all the seats up just to piss them off LOL.

Being an office environment people left their personal belongings on the desks - innocent things like photos, coffee cups, spoons that kinda crap.

When I went in to work after hours I would move around the office and go to the desks of the female staff rubbing my cock. There were some real b*tches there so I would rub my cock around the rim of their coffee cups or coat their spoons with pre-cum. I used to love seeing them head to the kitchen with cup and spoon in hand the next day. But most of them would rinse the cup and spoon before use - but not always.

I liked to rub my cock onto the hand piece and mouth piece of their phone as it was not something they would normally consider cleaning.

Most of the women had a small jar of moisturiser cream in their desk drawer so I would usually end up my snoop sessions by jizzing into one of them and then mix my cum into the cream. Believe me there is nothing more erotic than sitting in a purely professional office space chatting to a woman and watching her casually coat her hands and face with cream that you know has been treated with your sperm.

Over the time I was doing this I reckon I had seen about thirty or so women applying my seed onto their skin.

I must say that most of these women were clean freaks who washed, cleaned and almost clinically sterilised everything they touched. That added to my glee to see them 'cream up'.

I also found bottles of shampoo and conditioner in the female showers and gave them the same treatment.

I was a rush to know that many of these women were walking around the office with a little piece of me on their person.

True story - sorry for anyone who takes offense
In the bathtub and sometimes sitting in front of the computer of course... the closet (strange I know but it's a big closet), in the car on a road trip when my husband is driving (drives him crazy), in bed with a sleeping friend when I was younger
Living room, shower, in my office. Hotel rooms, a tent.

A lot of times I think back on my grad school roommate when I do masturbate, or women I know from every day life.
Warm, buttery egg noodles.

Everyone loves my beef stroganov.